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Photo editor?


iPF Noob
Jul 13, 2011
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I started to get into photography, and I was wondering if anyone uses any good photo editors? Basics, nothing too fancy just easy to edit a little bit.
Well, one suggestion (and I sure that you will get plenty more!) - :)

I use Photogene (check HERE) which does the basics of photo editing - not sure what your needs are, but a cheap purchase at the Apple App store - good luck in your choice(s), and please post back here if you've used a number of different apps - may help others to choose? :D
I'll definitely check it out tonight. An app I just got is "photo+folder hd" your able to make folders and sort out your photos. It's pretty good. But I wish there was an option to like upload photos from the app. Like if your uploading photos to a website, you can't upload them from your folders in the app, only from the original photos app. Oh well, still pretty good.
The one I use is PhotoPad by ZAGG. I use it primarily for cropping, which it does well.
I'll definitely check it out tonight. An app I just got is "photo+folder hd" your able to make folders and sort out your photos. It's pretty good. But I wish there was an option to like upload photos from the app. Like if your uploading photos to a website, you can't upload them from your folders in the app, only from the original photos app. Oh well, still pretty good.

has an 'export' function that allows numerous options of sending your images elsewhere, e.g. in an e-mail or to Dropbox. I use this app to mainly crop & resize my images rather than for 'organizing' the photos on my iPad.

Photo-Sort is another app that I purchased that is mainly for organizing photos - check HERE, if interested. I've not used this program much but a few negative comments can be found in the link; just a couple of options for transferring images, including in an e-mail.

Concerning uploading images to websites, I'm still searching for an easier method - usually when one wants to put an image in a forum message, pasting its URL between the HTML image codes is the usual process - I use SmugMug as my online imaging sharing site (there is an app for easy uploading); once the images are there, I can copy and paste their URLs elsewhere - there are a number of threads/posts on this topic if you care to search - good luck! :)
What do you mean by 'edit a little bit'?
There are various editors available and some excel in specific areas so knowing what you are likely to be doing will help.
Photogene is definitely a recommended product but if you are confortable with editors in general then Filterstorm is a great tool as you have a lot of control over the edits you do even though it is not quite as feature rich as Photogene at this time. It will also let you upload images to a small selection of places.
I'll definitely be trying these all out. Editing,etc on the iPad makes everything easier, I don't even need a computer!
Photoforge2 is fantastic! Works with layers, lost of effects, and can even tweak curves, levels etc...
PDB said:
Photoforge2 is fantastic! Works with layers, lost of effects, and can even tweak curves, levels etc...

Just tried photo forge 2 and it is amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I will be trying a few others out tomorrow night once I have more photos to edit.
Photo Forge 2 is a great app, one of my favourites but for true pixel level editing it is a bit compromised - it focuses more on filters although the layer support is a welcome addition.

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