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My iPad can't/won't download the current software version.


iPF Noob
Sep 24, 2011
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I apologize if the answer to this is already somewhere in this thread. I searched but did not find anything helpful to my specific issue. My issues are as follows:

-When plugged in to my PC I get a message in iTunes saying that a new iPad software version(4.3.5) is available. When I click on "Download & Update" it appears to download fully, as far as the progress bar shows, but when it gets to the point where it says "processing file" it shows an error message as follows: "There was a problem downloading the software for the iPad "Marks iPad". The network connection timed out. Make sure your network settings are correct and your network connection is active, or try again later." I have no idea why this issue exists. The sync worked during the iPad backup process so why would it suddenly stop working? I've tried this multiple times with the same results each time.

-When I've plugged in my iPad to my PC over the last few months, my PC automatically starts iTunes but it wouldn't let me navigate everything on my iPad as it used to, until this morning. It also didn't show everything on my iPad as it actually was. For instance, it showed only 61 apps even though there is currently 107 apps on it. When I tried again this morning it suddenly synced and updated all my apps to iTunes except for 8 of them which it said it couldn't do because I don't have the most current software version on my iPad. I did nothing this morning any differently then I've done every other time I've tried to sync/download.

I believe the second issue is probably related to the first one I mentioned but wanted to include it in case it isn't.

I appreciate any help any of you can provide.
I forgot to mention that when I have the USB cable plugged in between my iPad & PC I have a "Not Charging" message where it normally shows the charge remaining/battery status on the iPad. I believe it should be charging when plugged into my PC, right?
Firewalls have sometimes thrown a hitch in updates, so you might try temporarily disabling yours to update.

Many PCs don't offer enough juice for more than trickle charging an iPad. Best best to use your wall wart.

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