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May 21st 2011 ~ END OF THE WORLD?

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iPF Noob
Jun 20, 2010
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Sacramento, California
Billboards with this on it are popping up all over Sacramento! WTH? I heard on a talk show that it is some religious group....

I mean, I'm talkin all black billboard, with huge RED writings. I wonder who actually believes this?

So you can rent a billboard and slap anything you want up there?
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Religious fanatics are the bane of our society. I wish we could continue ignoring them, but then they do crap like this. I wish they would just all drink that special Kool-Aid and do the rest of us a favor.
The only question is whether the iPad 2 will have been released before then. I don't want the world to end before all those speculations and rumours have been resolved.

This dates back to the Myan indians, they developed the first accurate calendar and it has been spot on for thousands of years. Well it ends On May 21 2011, thus the speculation that it predicts the end of the world. I'm on Tim's side I want to check out the new iPad before I check out......Film at 11
Actually, if it referred to the Maya-calendar, the date would be December 21st, 2012.
So I guess it's something else.
Not that I put any stock in this stuff at all, but the whole "the Mayan calendar ends in 2012" isn't correct anyhow. December 12, 2012 marks the end of the current cycle of the calendar. We are already on cycle 13 of the Mayan calendar without the end of the world occurring, I'm pretty sure cycle 14 will start right on cue.
Posters....damn they'll be in my inbox next.
You've only to look at them and ask, if you were God would you give your message to fruitcakes like that?

Personally I don't care what they believe as long as they keep it to themselves.
I wanted a new iPhone5 too :(

I'm just glad all our religious nuts are in Bradford, Luton and Canterbury ;)
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