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left handed?


Staff member
Jul 8, 2011
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I'm left handed and i am really interested to know how many more members are and does it affect the way they use their devices.
I'm left handed, too. I haven't really noticed any difficulties, but I have noticed on occasion - after I've been on my iPad for a while - that I often end up using upside down without realizing it. Not sure if this is a lefty issue or if I'm just careless.
I am left handed too. No issues for me too. Only reason why I also end op with an upside down ipad is because of the charging cable connected. I turn it upside down because of the possibility of damaging the plug/cable. At least we can work upside down with ipad, my Samsung Glaxy S Plus phone does not allow it
yes i do that too,its not something realised might be an issue so thats another reason I'm glad i chose iPad,i had found one the years that mice were a problem as the buttons were usually for right handed people,now i have the magic trackpad so it doesn't matter as its for both.
I am left handed. Damm school teachers tried to convert me to right-handed. Most serial killers, President Obama, 94.345% of all rappers are right handed, the Prius was designed by a right-hander and most police that accost me are right handed. Thank God The Devil is left handed.
My brother is left-handed...however, is actually ambidextrous from being "forced" to use his right hand for many things. Like all of you that has posted--school teachers and tools made for a right-hander...he had to learn to both ways!
Yes i got my hand smacked and the pen shoved into my right hand.....did you all know that only approx 12% of the world is left handed,so if youre a leftie youre in the minority,i for one love being a leftie.
My son is left handed, as is his father and my brother :) I love lefties ;)
Its odd how it goes in families,my three brothers are right handed,my sister and i are lefties,our parents were right handed,apparently in lefties the right side of the brain is more developed.
My husband is a lefty as welll! He is very creative, loves to write ...but also has the analytical thinking which is perfect for his mechancal and Civil engineering backgrounds.
Left handed people are said to be more artistic!

2 of my daughters are left handed and they are artistic

I'm right handed but do lots of tasks left handed

The only down side I can see is when you're writing across a page, your hand is going over what you've just written

You get an inky hand and smudged writing and need to keep lifting your hand to see what you've written!

iPad 2 3G 64gb
I am left handed. Damm school teachers tried to convert me to right-handed. Most serial killers, President Obama, 94.345% of all rappers are right handed, the Prius was designed by a right-hander and most police that accost me are right handed. Thank God The Devil is left handed.

Teachers tried pushing the pencil into my right hand when I started grade school. Then my mom came into the school and read them the riot act. It never happened again.

Did you know August 13 is officially Left Hander's Day? Here is a list of 100 famous, or infamous, left handers:
One hundred famous left-handed people | UK news | guardian.co.uk

You can make it 101 if you want to add me to the list under the category: Famous iPad Case Designers :D
Then again, maybe add yourself to the list!!

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Left handed people are said to be more artistic!

2 of my daughters are left handed and they are artistic

I'm right handed but do lots of tasks left handed

The only down side I can see is when you're writing across a page, your hand is going over what you've just written

You get an inky hand and smudged writing and need to keep lifting your hand to see what you've written!

iPad 2 3G 64gb

Maybe you were at one point a lefty, Sandra?.. :).and you have that artistic side of you as well.
skimonkey said:
Maybe you were at one point a lefty, Sandra?.. :).and you have that artistic side of you as well.

Yes I've often wondered...I didn't even realise I did things left handed until friends started commenting on it.

I don't mind having a hand on both sides :)

iPad 2 3G 64gb
Yes I've often wondered...I didn't even realise I did things left handed until friends started commenting on it.

I don't mind having a hand on both sides :)

iPad 2 3G 64gb

You have the best of both worlds and both sides of your brain are fully developed!! :)

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