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I'm test driving the blackberry playbook, ask me anything

That was a long fun ride :p

Maybe it just got tired of you and is now taking a break until tomorrow.

Well when i went in today to buy it, the demo unit at best buy had this exact same problem but i took it with a grain of salt lol. I told the guys working and they were all aware of it.

I asked the sales guy if hes had any returned yet and he pointed to the back room behind him. I saw 6 returned playbooks stacked up against the wall. He said half wont turn on, half have dead pixels.

Well back to best buy it goes right now. I couldnt even enjoy it for half a day, good lord.:mad:

To be honest, not sure if i wanna bother exchanging for another and risking more time wasted.
To be honest, not sure if i wanna bother exchanging for another and risking more time wasted.

So where are you now? You have the iPad2? One of them or three? They all do the same thing, or just one of the three?

Are you keeping it or returning it along with the Playbook?

I think you should get a puppy. Forget the tablets.:)
To be honest, not sure if i wanna bother exchanging for another and risking more time wasted.

So where are you now? You have the iPad2? One of them or three? They all do the same thing, or just one of the three?

Are you keeping it or returning it along with the Playbook?

I think you should get a puppy. Forget the tablets.:)

I have 1 ipad 2 and 1 playbook. I used 3 ipads cause 2 were my friends and i was testing it out last week to see if they had the checkboarding, in which they both did.

Thats when one of my friends today told me to use atomic browser on ipad. He said no checking boarding at all. He said its not a complete ram issue with ipad 2 but safari issue. He said ipad 2 should be able to easily handle 9 browser tabs no problem even with a pathetic 512MB of ram.

So im going to try out the atomic browser for a couple days and decide there. If it wasnt for the damn checker boarding, i love my ipad 2. But that to me is a complete deal breaker. its like buying a car with half a paint job. No one in their right mind would find it acceptable.
I made my decision on which to keep. One is going back today to best buy. Wanna take a guess which one I'm keeping? I bet you $500 no ine will get it.
They keep coming out with things to try and trump the iPhone 4 and the iPad but when it comes down to what they can do there is no equal

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Let me see the $500 and I will put in my guess!

heres my wife hoisting it up for you. :p

OK, but she has to deliver it in person!

I have written my answer on a piece of paper. When you announce your decision, I will let you see the it!
I was seriously thinking about switching over to the Playbook but no 3G or 4G totally turned me off.
I guess it's iPad for now.

My interest in other tablets will remain as long as there s no flash for iPad.
Tapmyapple said:
Well my playbook just died on me, wont power on. Back to best buy it goes. Good riddance.

:D that is just hillarious

Sent from my iPad using iPF, using iOS 4.3.2

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