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Apps won't update?


iPF Noob
Apr 20, 2010
Reaction score
Fort Lauderdale, FL
Not sure if upgrading to iOS5 yesterday has anything to do with it or not, but I have 20-something apps that need updates, but it won't go at all. I'm not getting an "incompatible" error like some folks are getting....they're just not doing anything. I've tried hitting the "upgrade all" button, as well as trying to update individually. And I've tried it over wifi as well as 3G. After hitting the button to upgrade, I'm not even getting the password prompt to enter my pw before a download/update starts. I've also tried restarting my iPad, as well as a hard restart.

Any have any ideas, or anyone experiencing this?
Have you tried working through Itunes? Have you tried a hard reset? I just had one upgrade a minute ago and it worked as usual after, as normal, typing my password.
Yep...tried both, and still nothing. What's weird is that nice the first started the other day, other apps have needed to be updated (in addition to the 24 that won't update), and the additional apps update just fine. But the 24 still stay there, not updating. It's driving me nuts

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