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Zoogue Case Warped after One Week!


iPF Noob
I had this case for a lil over a week now, I have not put any stress on it once so ever, just simply been using it like normal, here are the results. I have nooooooooooooooo ideeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaa why the maker didnt just use hard plastic for the panels and wrap them in leather...

I had this case for a lil over a week now, I have not put any stress on it once so ever, just simply been using it like normal, here are the results. I have nooooooooooooooo ideeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaa why the maker didnt just use hard plastic for the panels and wrap them in leather...


I thought that Zoogue case was more hype than quality.
I think they got a bad batch of them because something similar happened to me. I contacted them and they replaced it immediately.

For the record, i LOVE my zoogue. It's great to have a case that allows me to set the screen at whatever angle I want.
I might try and contact the company, but I'm afraid the something will happen..:confused:

If you didn't prop it for yor picture, that's pretty bad. Mine is warping but nothing like that. I wouldn't feel bad about calling them on it. Just make sure you have a real problem and you aren't creating that :confused:
no, I didnt prop, this is the real deal..

yeah, i will call them, i think they give 2 weeks refund anyway..

I just hate to go thru process, pay return shipping and then get my new case and a week later samething.. but never know till you try...
Tim Angel will replace the case, AND pay the shipping../....but for a quick fix, just grab the sides and bend the thing back, works for me and takes 5 seconds, not a big deal....that photo is extreme .....the way the cboard is stiched in , it was too tight , pulling it up.....once the leather relaxes over time, so does the "pull".....Rob
I have a different issue with my Z.G. and I emailed and was told to send it in for a replacement.
Trouble is I am out of town till God knows when?

I got a fast response the first time and I asked if I need an RMA and have never heard back.

I should mention I emailed Tim and he responded like in an hour, he also mentioned there is no problem in exchanging it..
I just wanted to post a few pics in this thread in case others may be having this same issue. I ordered my Zoogue case on 7/15. I have the same warping effect of the front cover of the case as well as air pocket bubbles forming under the front cover, where the felt has lifted away. Sorry for the bad lighting/quality of pics taken with an iPhone.

I also wanted to thank Tim @ Zoogue for his immediate response to my email query. I bought the case through Amazon.com (filled by Buy.com) and was wondering if I had to go through them to get the issue resolved. Tim said it's good to go and for me to mail him my Zoogue case. This is customer service here folks! Thank you!

By the way, the case is great besides these few issues. Love the any angle any time concept. Only thing I would change for a version 2 Zoogue is not make the border of the case go all the way to the screens edge. This makes it hard to use apps/games that require you to interact with things right on the screen border (i.e. like hitting the back button in browsers). It also makes moving icons to a new home screen way too difficult.

EDIT: I also wanted to add to what Tim said above. I also have the incase convertible book case cover which has the same warping effect as the Zoogue's seen here. Maybe a heavy duty plastic inside the front cover would help with the warping issue.

EDIT 2: I wanted to add one more thing. Just so Tim can try and pin point the cause of the above issues. Might have just been a bad batch of cases. But I wanted to add that I live in hot and humid Florida, and I constantly take my ipad and Zoogue case from AC environment out to my car(which I know probably isn't good for PC's or electronics). This might be something that's causing the above issues.
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