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ZaggFolio for iPad 3


iPF Noob
Jun 1, 2010
Reaction score
Question for the iPad1/2 vets here: how long will it take Zagg to come out with a IP3-specific folio product?
I wouldn't be surprised if zagg were already working on it tbh. Id hope soon after release

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Some company's may get early access to the new iPad's dimensions to have cases ready. Apple makes them sign non disclosure agreements so that they can't leak any info before the announcement.

Apple also by now has already had iPad 3 units in the hands of select media publishers and tech news bloggers. They force non disclosure agreements and require a real high level of secrecy. However, by the time of apples announcement they would have had the device in had for at least a week or more. They will all have their reviews of the device ready and waiting for the selected date that apple says it's OK to publish. There was a report last week about 2 books already being in the amazon app store explaining the new features of the iPad 3. They of corse are not available for purchase until after apples announcement.

If apple likes how you cover their products, they do things like this to give you early access. In return for giving you early access you get to cash it on the huge rush of people looking to purchase the how-to books or whatever it is you're selling and you will be the first on the market.
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Thanks for the info...I am definitely going to snag a Zagg folio for iPad 3 on the day of release. I love how you have the option of removing the bluetooth keyboard from the folio if you wish!
I have held back getting a Zaggfolio for my iPad 2 because I ended up getting a keyboard for my iPad 1 and like having a keyboard but knew I was going to get an iPad HD/3 and decided to save the $100 for it. I currently use a bluetooth keyboard with my 2.
I wouldn't be to worried. As others mentioned, I'm sure there are cases being made already. As long as there is an ipad3 coming ;-)
Hi there. Hope you don't mind me piggybacking on yer thread. I ordered an Ipad 3 last week. Also last week I noticed Zagg had put up a Zaggfolio on their website for the New Ipad. A note below it said shipping expected 3/26-3/29 or something like that. I assumed that meant they were waiting for the Ipad to release and be sure of fit before they started selling their new and slightly larger cases. Imagine my surprise when it arrived in the mail today, then imagine my surprise when I opened it and the box said, "for Ipad 2"!

I called Zagg immediately and they told me that it was because they didn't have any boxes that said New Ipad, but the case inside had definitely been designed for the New Ipad. Now I don't have an MBA, but wouldn't they get the boxes ready much sooner, then wait to find out what the dimensions are before selling the new cases? Of course if the Ipad fits I won't really care a whole lot, I was just wondering if anyone else smells a rat.
A LOT of folio cases designed for the iPad 2 should work for the 3. We're talking such a small difference in thickness between the two. I scored a Beyza Executive II designed for the iPad 2 after Cases.com confirmed it would work with the three. They listed a lot of other folio type cases as well on their site as being compatible.

I've got a pile of iPad 2 cases nearby to use on my 3. The Exec II is being mailed from Germany. I never expected it to arrive by the 16th, but I'm covered, so to speak. ;)

I think the plastic "snap" type rear protective type cases will be the ones that don't work well with the iPad 3 because they're usually a pretty tight fit, and plastic doesn't give like leather does.
Yeah there is no way my folio case (can't remember its name..) won't work with the iPad 3. It might be a little snug, but thats not necessarily a bad thing anyway.

Given you can find iPad 2 cases cheap now on Amazon I'd probably look to those first rather than paying full price for a just released iPad 3 one.
I ordered 2 of these Zaggs and I hope they did adjust them a little because when you watch almost any review the reviewer usually has a hard time getting the iPad 2 out because it's a really tight fit. If the iPad 2 was tight the new iPad will be next to impossible to remove! I plan to use the Zagg case Mon-Fri for work and a slimmer non keyboard case for the weekends.
Switcheasy just introduced the Canvas. Major redesign. I'm assuming they got rid of the cracking issue.

Call my a guinea pig. I just ordered one in black. Might be here by Friday. Switcheasy stands behind their products (had a Canvas for the Ipad 2 replaced under warranty).

Another option for us. :)
I think it's bogus marketing making customers thinking they are getting something they are not. Here's the email I just sent to [email protected]:

Dear Mr. Pedersen,

I recently ordered a Zaggfolio advertised on your website as being designed for the New Ipad, sometimes referred to as the Ipad 3. I'm sure you are well aware that this Ipad was redesigned and is 0.8 mm thicker as a result. Ipad customers are very discerning folk and of course expect that high-end accessories are customized to fit the Apple product they own precisely. I was very pleased to see that your design team had worked so quickly to manufacture a case according to the new specifications.

When my Zaggfolio arrived yesterday--a full 2 days before the Ipad will hit the market--it turned out what your company sent me was an Ipad 2 case. I called the Customer Service number to discuss the matter with them and was told by the representative that Zagg had indeed designed new cases to fit the new Ipad but did not yet have boxes labeled Ipad 3 or New Ipad and the old boxes were being used instead. That sounds highly implausible to me. A subsequent closer look at specs on Zagg.com reveals that the dimensions of the "two cases" are exactly the same.

Had I known Zagg would be shipping me something that has been on the market for a year I would have bought one last week on Amazon for $79 and used the $20 savings to purchase classroom supplies for my students. I was wondering if you would be able to offer a more clear explanation of the design process for the New Ipad Zaggfolio and/or a way to reclaim the $20 I was bilked out of before I file my complaint with the Better Business Bureau alleging deceitful marketing practices and coaching of telephone representatives to deceive customers.

Very well worded and in fact Zagg's own website has been offering free $50 earbuds to people buying the iPad 2 Zagg Folio case! Talk about getting ripped!
Very well worded and in fact Zagg's own website has been offering free $50 earbuds to people buying the iPad 2 Zagg Folio case! Talk about getting ripped!

I sent Zagg and e-mail asking about getting a Zagg folio for the new Ipad and get the free earbuds as well..Have not heard back from them.
Looked like the silver keyboard Zagg folio is shipping right away..All black and all white won't ship til later in the month for some reason.

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