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Yahoo emails disappearing


iPF Noob
Sep 29, 2011
Reaction score
Recently 4 days of emails disappeared from my Yahoo account on my LAPTOP. Interestingly, they still appeared on my iPad. A Yahoo tech helped me restore them on my laptop by clicking on 'unread messages' (no matter that they were, in fact, already read). That 'fix' lasted two days and then the emails disappeared from both my laptop and iPad.

I've contacted Yahoo and their response is: "According to our records, it appears an IMAP client may have deleted your messages..... Once a message has been deleted by an IMAP client, it's removed from your Yahoo! Mail account. Messages deleted by a mobile device are not recoverable."

Any thoughts? This is disconcerting to understate my concerns.
Yahoo mail

Been ongoing for at least 8 months. Every time I think I have it solved shazam....gone, as such just now , June 2, at 9am. I cannot count the changes I have
Made to try and correct it, but then again there are things on the iPhone on mail that I do not even know what they mean. I am on old fart and
I almost need someone, a youngster I am sure to advise me of the correct settings. Thank you for having patience.
Ron argo

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