Hi All,
I am having an issue as in the title, I'll tell you what I am doing then maybe....Nay hopefully you will be able to help (yes Google'd and found nothing)
I started a new project in Xcode, and chose single view application for iPad only device, and use of the story board.
In the app settings I deselected both portrait UIIterfaceOrientation options (as to support Landscape only).
I click on story board and see that I have already in place a View Controller, I place a single button on the View with the text "Settings".
I then add a second view controller, and just put a label in it saying "Settings Screen". Then whilst zoomed out within storyboard, holding down the ctrl button I drag the Settings button from view1 to view2 creating a segoe, and choose modal with horizontal flip.
Both set as landscape orientation.
So in short with no code written, I should have an app that runs/starts in landscape and when I click the single "Settings" button the screen flips and shows the settings screen. (no more, no less)
Well....This does happen except the iPad simulator rotates to portrait when I click the button. If manually rotate back to landscape the screen is still in portrait, just rotated sideways, so I have to tilt my head to read "Settings Screen".
I hope this makes sense. Just to add in the view control.m file the (bool) shouldautorotate...Has already been inserted by Xcode.
I am having an issue as in the title, I'll tell you what I am doing then maybe....Nay hopefully you will be able to help (yes Google'd and found nothing)
I started a new project in Xcode, and chose single view application for iPad only device, and use of the story board.
In the app settings I deselected both portrait UIIterfaceOrientation options (as to support Landscape only).
I click on story board and see that I have already in place a View Controller, I place a single button on the View with the text "Settings".
I then add a second view controller, and just put a label in it saying "Settings Screen". Then whilst zoomed out within storyboard, holding down the ctrl button I drag the Settings button from view1 to view2 creating a segoe, and choose modal with horizontal flip.
Both set as landscape orientation.
So in short with no code written, I should have an app that runs/starts in landscape and when I click the single "Settings" button the screen flips and shows the settings screen. (no more, no less)
Well....This does happen except the iPad simulator rotates to portrait when I click the button. If manually rotate back to landscape the screen is still in portrait, just rotated sideways, so I have to tilt my head to read "Settings Screen".
I hope this makes sense. Just to add in the view control.m file the (bool) shouldautorotate...Has already been inserted by Xcode.