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Would like to see less negative iPad coverage


iPF Noob
Feb 7, 2010
Reaction score
High Rolls, NM
Hi Folks,

I've been following the coverage of the iPad in the tech media and frankly, I find it very biased and negative. I don't think the iPad is perfect, nor will it save the world from nuclear destruction or end poverty. But it looks better as a portable media device that Windows devices I've seen so far. I've started a blog that I hope will provide more balanced coverage of the iPad at

Mark's Tech Chat

Hope you can browse by every once in a while!

Nothings perfect. But things can be good and even great. Im not judging the ipad just yet since it hasn't even come out in stores!

None the less, WELCOME TO THE SITE. You seem very cool, and very experienced. Glad to have you aboard the Ipad train. Have a seat and enjoy.:)
less negativity

You and me both, forum brother...

Welcome to the forums and I will certainly check out your blog. :D
Hey Mark, Welcome to the forum. Very informative blog!
Welcome to the site Mark. We are enthusiasts here but I do believe once the device comes out it will receive more positive coverage.
Criticism is a good thing. The next iPad will be better.
I agree Mark. There seems to be a lot of criticism about what is not available on it as yet. I put it down to very impatient people who not willing to wait. As for me, I already love it. I did not thing Apple could do it again but they sure did. This beats kindle and any netbooks out there hands down.

As a photographer it is the ultimate portable portfolio that I can take anywhwere, get work done and look cool doing it.
Don't worry about all the negative press. Normal people like the iPad, most super-geeks hate it. I learned a lesson a while ago, you can NEVER satisfy an internet nerd. You can come out with a system like in the movie "Surrogates" and geeks would still complain that it wasn't "real enough", or "OMG there's no Flash support in the surrogate!!"

Take anything they say with a grain of salt.

I'm really waiting until I get my hands on one and even then, you can't say. It'll take some app writers a good 6 months to really figure out how to take advantage of the platform.

Look at the quality of iPhone software coming out now vs the first 6 months of iPhone release. Big difference.
Thanks for the warm welcome

Hi everyone,

Thanks for your comments. Seems like my concerns about iPad coverage resonated with many of you. I've posted another article to my blog at Mark's Tech Chat. This one involve the selection of the core technology for the Apple A4. My blog's gotten alot more technically detailed than I intended, and I'm thinking of breaking it up into a "general interest" page and an "In Depth" page featuring complementary articles on the same subject. Wouldn't mind hearing comments about this idea.

I was seriously disappointed when I saw what Jobs unveiled. I'm sure it's going to be a fast machine with beautiful UI, but it is missing a few key elements that will stop me from buying the first model. (Or any other model that can't handle multitasking, video conferencing, internet Flash support.) I hope Apple is listening closely to these poor reviews. I hope they see what people really want...
Go to Android and please stay there

I was seriously disappointed when I saw what Jobs unveiled. I'm sure it's going to be a fast machine with beautiful UI, but it is missing a few key elements that will stop me from buying the first model. (Or any other model that can't handle multitasking, video conferencing, internet Flash support.) I hope Apple is listening closely to these poor reviews. I hope they see what people really want...

I am sure you will find all you need with a Android tablet .... if you need i introduce you a good forum where you can complain about apple i can Google it for you .....
I'm a regular on the Mobile Read Forums site. Although I love the place, It's filled with Apple haters. It has become impossible to have a positive discussion due to trolling. I'm glad there's this place where we'll be able to seriously learn about the iPad and maybe grow with it.
Love it or hate it , talk about it that mean he exist

I'm a regular on the Mobile Read Forums site. Although I love the place, It's filled with Apple haters. It has become impossible to have a positive discussion due to trolling. I'm glad there's this place where we'll be able to seriously learn about the iPad and maybe grow with it.

Hi Van this the main reason why i don't go to mobile forum, too much stubborn hater, i can admit the Iphone is not perfect but it's an incredible device with almost all user need from to simple one to the most sophisticated, of course they are not forced to use it , but why refuse to admit the fact .... i cannot understand them
Welcome Mark,

I read your blog with interest it seems be both have been down similar paths with Apple mine however more as Sales and Support. My first Apple when I lived in Monterey California was an Apple II and I continued on into the Macintosh in 1984. During that time I was close to developers such as Michael Green to developed the early fonts for the Mac. Since then my path took me through the full line up of Macintosh hardware even Lisa !!!. Unlike your self I never ventured in to the full developers world but instead in 1993 became an independent specialist reseller here in Australia.
My prime market was in publishing design and Cad. I have seen the ups and downs of Apple and enjoyed the excitement of new products arriving such as the iMacs, and ipods and of course the iphone
More importantly I have enjoyed the satisfaction of the users in using Apple Technology.

It is amazing how Apple has gone from being a small pond to now a huge lake. I smile reading the comments made by so many and wonder some time what planet some of them are on. I truly believe they live in a small box and hate that does not meet their strict guidelines on what a computer or device should be.
Since the announcement By Steve in Jan it has been a feeding frenzy both positive and negative What really amazed me was the personal attacks made by some so called writers for PC magazines The following is the link
iPad pre-orders: For idiots only - apple ipad, iPad - Techworld ipad_pre-orders_idiots_only is a prime example of this written by Galen Gruman (infoworld) and repeated by Techworld.

That is a poor editorial to say the least. So does that mean if one pre-orders brand new not seen products on line from Dell, Apple or any company for that matter is an idiot.... no i do not think so.
I like to be positive but at the same time I accept negative comments but I do not accept personal attack.

What Apple has done is produced yet another product with first class design and engineering which will appeal to all age groups and provide endless entertainment for a reasonable price. The ipad will allow even the many whom are computer illiterate be able to enjoy using it without having to do any training or need a tech to install it as they do now with PC's

Mark you are a breath of fresh air and I look forward to your on going comments

Colin Filshie Brisbane Australia
Apple user and support specialist since 1978
Waiting for the iPad release in Australia later this month

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