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Wi fi issues


iPF Noob
Nov 25, 2011
Reaction score
Anyone to share thoughts ? My wi fi gets disconnected every now and then. I have hard reset a few times, sometimes is ok sometimes it's not. When I went into settings, the wi fi options got blurred out, and on the left it says wi fi (n/a).

Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks
Chuamt said:
Anyone to share thoughts ? My wi fi gets disconnected every now and then. I have hard reset a few times, sometimes is ok sometimes it's not. When I went into settings, the wi fi options got blurred out, and on the left it says wi fi (n/a).

Any suggestions are appreciated. Thanks

I had the same problem. Went to Best Buy and spoke to a CS Rep who suggested upgrading to the Netgear router (4 bay only becuz we're networked) I think it was the 300 or 3000. Has more speed capability. If I went outside on my side porch I would lose my wifi connection......works fine now..hope this helps
Thanks nothing was wrong with my modem as I have been using my iPad three months since. It's just that for the past week it had gone intermittently disconnect every now n then when the rests are still connected like my laptops n iPhones .

Must be a hardware issue in the iPad 2.
Hi Chuamt--what do you mean the "wifi options got blurred out?"

If you already tried the restart and reset, the other option is to check your modem and router. Sometimes the modem becomes finicky and chooses to ignore certain devices. When this happens to me, I found powering off the modem and than the router than cycling back on helped.

Also, you did not mention if your wifi connection drops elsewhere aside from your house. Have you tried other places to test it out, like Starbucks, etc?

If this is the case and it is not working,than making an appointment with apple is your best bet.
it's just appeared blur out at the setting menu. And when I check "about" it shows that the wifi is n/a meaning not available. On the modem i have restarted a few times. If you check the net it seem like a norm issue to some users. I suspect it's a hardware issue cos I have been using for 3 months only lately it came out. Tks
Chuamt said:
it's just appeared blur out at the setting menu. And when I check "about" it shows that the wifi is n/a meaning not available. On the modem i have restarted a few times. If you check the net it seem like a norm issue to some users. I suspect it's a hardware issue cos I have been using for 3 months only lately it came out. Tks

I think it's just the iPad 2. Every place I go with a friend of mine and his PC, his signal is always full, and more often than not, my iPad 2 signal indicator is one or two "bar". It's really frustrating!

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