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Why is ipad doubling every contact?


iPF Novice
Jan 26, 2012
Reaction score
I have doubles of every single contact, what setting would take care of this? Something to do with synching I assume?
skimonkey said:
Hi Gresh, see if this helps you: there has been numerous members that spoke of duplicate contacts as you. The links below may give you an idea of wht is happening. You didn't say if you are using the iCloud, so I included some links on that.


Thank you, I tried searching past post must have missed these, thanks!
all of my contacts that are on my mac appear twice in my ipad contacts? How can I delete the dupes?
I had the same problem with contacts on my ipad, iphone and gmail. For me it pretty much took backing up my gmail contacts (original list) then deleting everything contact wise on my iPad and iPhone and starting over. It was a pain in the butt, but now everything works perfect.
all of my contacts that are on my mac appear twice in my ipad contacts? How can I delete the dupes?

Are you using iCloud?

First, go to icloud.com on a computer and make sure things look correct there.

If so, go to Settings > iCloud and sign out. Then go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars and see if you still have an iCloud account. If you do, delete it. Now go back to Settings > iCloud and sign in again.

When the dialogs ask if you want to delete your Contacts, Calendars, or whatever from the iPad, say yes. They will come back when you turn iCloud back on.
I had the same problem, but then realised you can change which contacts it looks at

All contacts, iCloud contacts or contents on Mac. I have mine set to iCloud contacts and that stops showing both sets of contacts without the need to delete anything.

Sent from my iPad 2 using iPF
Are you using iCloud?

First, go to icloud.com on a computer and make sure things look correct there.

If so, go to Settings > iCloud and sign out. Then go to Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars and see if you still have an iCloud account. If you do, delete it. Now go back to Settings > iCloud and sign in again.

When the dialogs ask if you want to delete your Contacts, Calendars, or whatever from the iPad, say yes. They will come back when you turn iCloud back on.

So twerppoet, let me see if I understand. So you are essentially turning off or deleting the contacts from the iPad, but leaving contacts switched on in iCloud. That way to prevent duplicity?
So twerppoet, let me see if I understand. So you are essentially turning off or deleting the contacts from the iPad, but leaving contacts switched on in iCloud. That way to prevent duplicity?

When people switched to iCloud (especially MobileMe users) some of them ended up with the iCloud account duplicated on the iPad. It's hard to tell, since iCloud shows up both under it's own settings and in the Accounts area. The only way to be certain of getting rid of the duplicate account is to shut iCloud off to see if it goes away in Accounts. Deleting the account if it does not, then adding it back where it belongs under the iCloud settings. (just a theory for why this method has worked in the past)

That is one thing this does.

The other is that it deletes your contacts (if you choose to delete them when prompted) from the iPad and syncs them from iCloud again. If there is no other cause (just a database glitch) then this will single up the contacts again, provided icloud.com is not also doubled; which is why I suggest checking it first.

There are other reason for contact doubling, but I went with this guess first.

Anther possibilities is syncing with more than one source and creating a loop (but you end up with more problems than doubling).
Or just not understanding what you are looking at when viewing All Contacts (if you are syncing two databases).

And of course a dozen other causes that I can't even imagine. ;)
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Thanks, again twerppoet for allowing me to pick your brain. You are very knowledgeable in many areas here on the forum and I am very happy to learn from you daily! :)
No problem.

I ran into this (possible) solution when my emails started doubling shortly after I converted from MobileMe. In some cases people can get results by just turing the problem service off, then on again (and deleting when prompted), but this sounded like the full treatment might be a good idea.
I think you are right with this one. Since I don't use the cloud, a lot of the things that go with it is still foreign to me. Eventually, I will use-and when I do, I know who to call on for help!! :)

Again thanks for the clarification, twerppoet!

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