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What's the last show you went to?

Richard Brown

iPF Novice
May 1, 2011
Reaction score
Bromley, Kent
I thought I would start this thread to compliment the What's the last film you saw thread.

Theatre and live music are seen as the mainstay for this thread. Then of course you may have been to see a TV or radio show being made. Studio audiences usually get in for free in the UK.

I feel that live performances and their venues could be suffering from dwindling audiences. I certainly hope not, as it is great to enjoy live stuff and interact with the audience and performers.

So. Lights, music and let the show begin.

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Last night we went to the Churchill Theatre in Bromley to see a show called "Save the Last Dance for Me".

It was set in Lowestoft in 1963 when 2 English girls meet USAF servicemen stationed there. The show started off slowly, but boy did it then take off with lots of humour re the USA UK English language divide, great numbers by Elvish and the Drifters, and a Beatles cover.

The show was good clean fun with an uncomplicated story line. We loved it. Our great nephew was delighted to have been to his first musical show.

Afaik, this show is the sequel to "Dreamboats and Petticoats."

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For those who are young of heart, we went to see this
a few years back. I've seen a few West End shows but this (non-West End show) just blew me away, flying across London was just an amazing experience!

The Archangel
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For those who are young of heart, we went to see this YouTube Link: http://youtu.be/1Z4i6kHelu0 a few years back. I've seen a few West End shows but this (non-West End show) just blew me away, flying across London was just an amazing experience!

The Archangel

That looks brilliant Gabe. We have yet to go to a show at the O2. I hope they bring the show back

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That looks brilliant Gabe. We have yet to go to a show at the O2. I hope they bring the show back

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It wasn't inside the O2, it was in a custom made theatre (the tent in the video) in the gardens outside. Because of the technical issues the show couldn't be put on anywhere else. After the O2 the show did some kind of a world tour. I think for last year they put on The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe so I'm hopeful they will keep coming up with more shows although maybe they won't be as good because the theatre was designed around the Peter Pan production whereas other productions have to be designed to suit the theatre.

The Archangel
The last theater production I saw was the musical "Wicked" (in April). I've had the pleasure of seeing it in London and then three times via this tour company here in the USA.

What an amazing show! I'd recommend it to anyone...

The last theater production I saw was the musical "Wicked" (in April). I've had the pleasure of seeing it in London and then three times via this tour company here in the USA.

What an amazing show! I'd recommend it to anyone...


Thanks Marilyn,

We've thought about going to see it. I expect we will book seats before long.

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We've visited the "Phantom of the Opera" today. It was one of the reasons why we're in London.

As expected, the performance was great. The actor that played Raoul was better than the one that was performing the Phantom.
I am envious of everyone who is able to go to live theatre! There is nothing like! The last time I went to a live event was to see and listen to Ian Tyson at a small venue with great acoustics. It was magical.
We've visited the "Phantom of the Opera" today. It was one of the reasons why we're in London.

As expected, the performance was great. The actor that played Raoul was better than the one that was performing the Phantom.

I've seen it three times at Her Majesty's in The Haymarket, it always makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up!

The Archangel
We've visited the "Phantom of the Opera" today. It was one of the reasons why we're in London.

As expected, the performance was great. The actor that played Raoul was better than the one that was performing the Phantom.

I'm glad you enjoyed the show Johanna. It gets good reviews consistently.

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I've seen it three times at Her Majesty's in The Haymarket, it always makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up!

The Archangel

I visited it because you told me about it. I don't know if you remember, it was some time ago.

I'd go there right now again if I could. It was breathtaking!
The theatre is small but mighty. The only minor disadvantage for people like me: no place for long legs.
I visited it because you told me about it. I don't know if you remember, it was some time ago.

I'd go there right now again if I could. It was breathtaking!
The theatre is small but mighty. The only minor disadvantage for people like me: no place for long legs.

Oh my, I wouldn't listen to anything that I say lol!

You are right, it is a great theatre and the show is breathtaking........the first bit of action really blows you away and when The Phantoms music thunders out it shakes you to your core. As I recall the producers had to put it on in there because of the structure of the theatre, no other theatre could contain all the scenery and effects. An awful lot of history in Her Majesty's too.

The Archangel
I just saw "Dirty Dancing", performed by amateurs in Vila Vita, Pannonia.

The actors were mostly staff of Vila Vita, had to make the stage scenery and costumes by themselves. They had fun performing, and it was fun watching them. Sometimes the one playing Johnny Castle forgot his lines, but that didn't really matter.

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