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What is it?

hpulmer said:
It is not - but I would like to know during which time of year a father of daughters would especially know how to use a clothes brush!?

☠ stay safe ☠ stay legal ☠

I was trying to work that out too!


  • image-4268183036.jpg
    33.7 KB · Views: 108
hpulmer said:
It is!
@leelai: my girls don't bother about heating-bills and temperature seting has to be strictly controlled :p

your turn scifan!

Gees they must be related to mine, they're all the same!

Very clever!
It is a milk crate,but for cartons and jugs of milk.

image-4081984952.jpgOver to you,Admiral.
AdmiralAdama said:
Looks like a hard plastic box for packing bagged milk. Also doubles as container to hold vinyl record albums. Once upon a time.


I have several of these holding my record collection in my attic. We are showing our age now Admiral.

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