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Using iPad mini as outdoor camera


iPF Noob
Dec 29, 2017
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I have an iPad mini that I won at work and (after my grandma tried to use it and couldn't get used to it) I want to use it as an outdoor camera. I have an audio baby monitor and very cheap camera in my barn to check in on my two goats around kidding (birthing) season without having to make the trip out there.

Several Google searches showed me that people use iPads as video baby monitors and pet cameras but my concern it the temperature. My barn isn't insulated and, while it wouldn't be rained on, the iPad would be exposed to outdoor temperatures and humidity. I'm in Seattle so it does get below freezing occasionally and it's very humid.

Right now I'm looking into some kind of case or box that would reflect the iPad's own heat onto itself while preventing overheating AND would protect it from humidity while still allowing the charging cable in the box. I guess I'm here looking for any ideas at all because Google is a little sparse with this one. In all fairness, iPads aren't known for their durability, but I'm hoping someone has ideas.

Why would the iPad have to be in the barn as you have a camera and baby monitor already in the barn?
Why would the iPad have to be in the barn as you have a camera and baby monitor already in the barn?
The camera was iffy at first but is now just pathetic. I have to restart it almost every day and it freezes more often than not.
The camera was iffy at first but is now just pathetic. I have to restart it almost every day and it freezes more often than not.
iPads don't do well in the cold, the iPad won't operate properly outside its design temperature range and the battery will run down prematurely.

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