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Upset from my iPad


iPF Noob
Feb 10, 2012
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Anybody knows how to fix my screen problem, it's shacking too much , even if I am talking with someone on viber the line will close by itself and my iPad will dial a number by itself even now to try to write my message I suffered . Desperate for the help , I bought my iPad from apple store in Houston but now I live in France , I hate my iPad and will not recommend it anymore
Hi there, sorry that you are upset, "Upset."

What have you done to try to resolve this issue already? Do you have the ipad 1 or 2? Which OS are you running on your ipad?

Usually, there are the immediate fixes that can be done.

If you have not done this already, give this a try-
May want to try these in order and proceed to the next step if it does not work.

Try to quit the apps that are an issue. To do this by pressing the home button twice to see the bar of apps on the bottom of the screen. Find the apps that are not responding and long press onto the app until it shakes. When it starts to shake, touch the red negative sign in the corner of the app. This will not delete, but will close the app. Than open and retry to see if it works.

If not, than restart the ipad. Press the power switch until you get the slide lock to power off. Turn back on and retry.

If not, than reset the ipad. Press the power switch and the home button until the screen turns off. May take a few seconds to power off.

Let us know if this is still giving you a problem
Thanks a lot for your reply
I have iPad 1 , bought it June 2010 , I have the latest update , I have done too many things , close the application, close the iPad, reboot the iPad , even restore it . It was happening almost once a month but lately every day more than twice and sometimes I give up and close the iPad.
I was an apple fan, I have 2 iPods, iPhone 4 , and iPad , but I don't know really what to do anymore .
I really like what apple did because I live abroad and with the apple application I can connect with my family and friends all the time and for free.
Please help
I have the iPad 2, but have read that many with the original version has had issues since the latest update. It seems to really tax the system. Because of this, many members owning the first gen iPad, are really considering purchasing the iPad 3. Not sure if this is an option for you, but may consider that or a refurb iPad 2 that could handle the update and the changes.

One thing that I learned from one of the Moderators, Leelai, is to clear your cookies and history under settings/Safari/clear cookies/Clear History.

That may be worth a try as well, including closing all apps at the end of the day.
Thanks a lot, I started closing all application at the end of the day, and even now I removed the leather cover that i also bought from apple store (simply as that) . To buy iPad 3 now it's not possible, and even it might have the same problem noone knows.
Thanks again
No problem, best of luck. You may want to do a search and see what other members have done with the same situation.
Hi Upset and welcome to the Forum!

How is your iPad behaving now, have you followed Skimonkey's good advice?

The IPad Forum is a community of members from all walks of life and from all over the world coming together to share our experiences and to help each other learn about this wonderful piece of technology the Ipad. There is a wealth of information already here in the many threads we have so doing some searches will answer most of the questions you have. If then you cannot find the answer you are seeking then by all means post your question. There are many friendly and informed members here only too willing to help you.

We also have our own App - It is a very simple app to navigate.
Reading the IPad manual is a great place to start so please download a copy of these.
2 very informative threads from which you will learn many tips and shortcuts for the IPad.
We have rules like any Community so please read these also

Once again we welcome you here and are so pleased you have joined us!

Sent from my iPad using iPF
Thanks a lot for the links , I will definitely read them hopefully my problem will be resolved
Keep you posted and if need more help I will post here.
Some people have found the using the Reset All Settings option under Settings > General > Reset has improved their iPad's performance after the iOS 5 update. You said you did a restore, and that would do the same thing, if you restored as new. If you restored from a backup you would have also restored any settings that might be causing you problems.

Here is another thread from today that covers the subject in a bit more detail.

Just a question , I have almost 1000 photos on my iPad 1 (it is 64 GB) so I still have free GB but if I reset my iPad like you said will I loose my photos ...
And if these photos are damaging my iPad
Your photos should be fine with a reset, or even the Reset All Settings. There is, of course, no 100% guarantee, but I haven't heard of anyone loosing photos this way. Many people keep more than 1000 photos on their iPad. As long as you have the memory, it shouldn't matter. Though it would not surprise me if there were some upper limit where problems start to occur, you are far from it.

However, do not consider your iPad a good backup for photos. Any computer is vulnerable to problems that can cause you to loose files, and that goes double for mobile devices. Be sure you keep good backup copies in at least one other place. If they are really important they should be in two other places, one of those places physically separate (not the same building) as the others. An internet storage site can fulfill that role.
Thanks a lot for your reply.
I will do the reset now and hope will work
Hello again twerppoet , I have done the reset and restore the data from my PC but still I have the problem , it's less than before but today when I opened an application it freezes for as while , I had to shut down the iPad, I don't know really what to do again, I did some research and I found that I am not the only one.
Apple people don't know how to fix it , maybe I have to visit apple store here in france to see if they can solve the problem but I doubt I will fix it cause it's better to buy a new one (too expensive to repair anything here in Paris ) .
Please if you have any other solution let me know and I will try.
Thanks again for your help.
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