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ups and downs....


iPF Novice
Jan 14, 2011
Reaction score
Penarth, Wales, UK
Hi chaps

Been reading some of the comments on the MacRumours forums and a couple of other forums about the iPadPro and so many are really really negative. More than not actually. Even from 'fan-boys'.

It's a shame to see so many closed minds. I'm not an Apple fan per-se in the slightest. I'm a staunt PC and Windows person, but heck, Apple's mobile devices really are the business. By far. Almost on another planet :)

Some of their comments about lack of force touch, general 'stay away from 1st gen devices', Pencil comments and general rubbish as quite disparaging to read. Quite arrogant and ignorant.

The iPad Pro (even the 1st gen device) is building from a host of previous ipad models, all successful proven devices. Yes, the Pro 2, 3 and 4 etc etc will of course be better, thats a given fact, technology moves on, but we're at a stage Apple's tech is always a polished item. The Pencil (which strictly isnt a stylus) has no mobile device competitors on the same level. The Pro's spec puts it in laptop and desktop territory. The screen is just way ahead. Are you wasting your investment buying a 1st? certainly not, even though we know next year and the year after it'll be twice as good.

Okay, it doesn't have a 3d display, yet, but so what? it'll surely be an awesome device whatever. Personally, it doesn't bother me. The fact this device will be leading the way again with no alternative on the market (yet) speaks volumes. As mentioned, everything starts somewhere and will always evolve. I still LOVE my iPad2!

Perhaps people just like to sound superior and complain all the time. Such a shame. The achievement is massive. If it doesnt suit you then fine. so what.

Sorry peeps, just sounding off at so much negativity and perceived 'know-it-all-ness' in the community, when there's so much more positiveness to shout about. what do they want, magic? well i think thats kinda what we're getting :)
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Brian 244

iPF Novice
Oct 20, 2014
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Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada
I'm very stoked for the iPad Pro but there are a few things I do agree with, one of them being the "Never buy 1st Gen" . Apple's products always seem to be conservative in their 1st iteration. Look at the iPad 1, iPad mini 1st Gen, even the Air and compare them to the next version.
I'm also baffled that they didn't release 3D touch on the iPads the same time as the iPhones. It's fairly safe to assume that the 2016 iPad lineup is going to have that feature, so they've just shot their iPad sales in the foot as many users will wait until that feature arrives next year.
And not to be a negative Nelly but how in the hell did that charge design the the Apple Pencil get off the drawing board? That lighning plug on the back is just begging to be snapped off into the lighning port of your iPad. It's a design disaster! Sure it'll generate work for folks like me who repair iPads but as soon as I saw this "feature" I cringed.


iPF Novice
Jan 14, 2011
Reaction score
Penarth, Wales, UK
hi Brian, yup, that pencil charger is crying out to be snapped! luckily a small charge is just whats needed. i'm more confused where to keep the thing when not in use.

as for not to go for a 1st gen? i'd generally agree, but personally i think tech (especially in Apple's case) is so far advanced and tried/tested these days that the gap between 1st and 2nd gen is generally closing. the usual performance spec jump will always be inevitable, but it's a top notch product anyway. i don't think the comparison between say ipad 1 and 2 is relevant.

but, thats just my opinion. they always keep stuff in reserve of course. how subjective can we be about it?


iPF Noob
Oct 30, 2012
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I'm just glad all that negativity hasn't found it's way to these forums! Hopefully it won't. Don't know why the iPad Pro Forum on this site hasn't picked up more than it has though... The Thread list is like a ghost town for such a huge new product... But for me, I am very excited about the Pro. I definitely want one and plan on getting one as early as possible. For me its the size mostly. The A9X sounds ridiculous (in a good way), and the resolution sounds really impressive too. I probably won't get the pencil for lack of need and also the price, but the keyboard-case is on my wishlist. Can't wait for November!


Staff member
Aug 30, 2010
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Western NY state (USA)
I'm with you on the iPad Pro excitement.

The only reason I'm not posting more in this sub-forum is because I don't have one yet! :) But, when I do get it, I expect to be singing praises and talking about how much I like it. Until then, all I can do is wait. Which is killing me! :D

I'm heading more for the Pencil as an initial purchase. IF I get the keyboard, it'll be much later. I primarily prop my iPad in my lap and have gotten real proficient with the iPad keyboard. So, for me, the keyboard = "meh." Can't wait to play with the Pencil, tho!

Come on November!! :D



iPF Noob
Oct 1, 2015
Reaction score
it's a curious device, but I disagree with your thoughts that it's put into laptop territory.

iOS is a lite OS. it doesn't run any full featured productivity software, only the lite versions. it's got decent RAM, which is new to the tablet territory, but the CPU is just a more refined ARM processor that's in all the previous mobile devices Apple's made with iOS.

I really dislike people comparing the iPad Pro and the new Pixel C to the Surface 3 Pro. different beasts entirely with different purposes and focuses. the only thing they have in common is form factor. some have a more productivity focus than others, which is definitely what the iPad Pro has going for it, but the app's it will run will never compare to the Windows or OSX versions. they aren't as capable because the compute power is lacking. they are a compliment of a computer. :)

but all that aside, I look forward to learning more and seeing what industries/niche's adopt it. I can definitely see the artistic crowd going for it, since it's like a mobile wacom tablet. I can also see people liking it for note taking. in this case though, it's going to be a love it or hate it device because of it's size. it's entering full computing size/weight territory while lacking the OS to provide full computing capacity. but I digress, I am repeating myself.

the thing I am against the most though is the price. $1500 is ridiculous.


Staff member
Dec 3, 2011
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it's a curious device, but I disagree with your thoughts that it's put into laptop territory.

iOS is a lite OS. it doesn't run any full featured productivity software, only the lite versions. it's got decent RAM, which is new to the tablet territory, but the CPU is just a more refined ARM processor that's in all the previous mobile devices Apple's made with iOS.

I really dislike people comparing the iPad Pro and the new Pixel C to the Surface 3 Pro. different beasts entirely with different purposes and focuses. the only thing they have in common is form factor. some have a more productivity focus than others, which is definitely what the iPad Pro has going for it, but the app's it will run will never compare to the Windows or OSX versions. they aren't as capable because the compute power is lacking. they are a compliment of a computer. :)

but all that aside, I look forward to learning more and seeing what industries/niche's adopt it. I can definitely see the artistic crowd going for it, since it's like a mobile wacom tablet. I can also see people liking it for note taking. in this case though, it's going to be a love it or hate it device because of it's size. it's entering full computing size/weight territory while lacking the OS to provide full computing capacity. but I digress, I am repeating myself.

the thing I am against the most though is the price. $1500 is ridiculous.
I'll have to disagree with your statement.
The iPad Pro with its A9X processor is faster than 80% of the laptops currently on the market. iOS, on the latest iPads, is much more than a lite OS. It is fully capable of professional quality results and the iPad Pro is closer to fully replacing a PC or laptop than any preceding iPad.


iPF Noob
Oct 30, 2012
Reaction score
I'd have to agree with scifan57 on this one... I kind of wish the iPad pro ran osx but just cause it runs IOS doesn't necessarily make it incapable of most productivity tasks.

Sent via Tapatalk on my ASUS ZenPad S 8.0...


Staff member
Dec 3, 2011
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I'd have to agree with scifan57 on this one... I kind of wish the iPad pro ran osx but just cause it runs IOS doesn't necessarily make it incapable of most productivity tasks.

Sent via Tapatalk on my ASUS ZenPad S 8.0...
iOS was developed, using OSX as a basis. Today, iOS and OSX are becoming closer and closer, sharing more features as time goes on. At this rate, it shouldn't be long before we see a tablet capable of running OSX.


iPF Noob
Oct 1, 2015
Reaction score
well, we're defiantly allowed to disagree, but as long as a tablet can't do what a notebook does, let alone a desktop, it's a lite computing device.

that's not to say they aren't getting more capable every generation and update, but they still aren't as productive as PC can be. :)

edit - and note, I'm not just picking on iPad's and iOS here. same story goes for Android and even Chrome for that matter.


iPF Noob
Oct 30, 2012
Reaction score
I recently got a Surface 3 and I like it a lot. I wish the iPad Pro ran OSX, I would happily pay a premium for that. But I still plan on getting the iPad Pro. Mostly for the size and to future proof my purchase with the latest A9X and 4GB of RAM...

I don't know much about the IOS version of office. I use my laptop's for that kind of work. So I wouldn't be able to compare the two. All I know is the iPad Pro sounds like a really beast. We'll have to wait for reviews but Apple rarely disappoints in my experience ...

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk


iPF Novice
Jan 14, 2011
Reaction score
Penarth, Wales, UK
Friendly - my comments about putting ipp into laptop territoty was regarding specs, not os. Read agian ;)

It might not be the worlds fastest device, but its now certainly in laptop/desktop areas, spec-wise.

I've recently read so much about the lack of productivity, lack of a 'real' os and filing system, lack of desktop class apps etcetc. This is true of course. But, its not a desktop or laptop computer. Its a tablet. If you can get comfortable with this premiss i think you'll love the devise so much better.
And the more and more i think about it i'm so eager and excited to embrace new and wonderful apps in my work. They wont be desktop standard, but no reason why the working files wont be desktop software compatible. And profitable for me.

What actually is 'pro'? Who is it actually aimed at and how? Yes, it wont have full business running capabilites, far from it currently i believe, but as a 'pro' designer myself, i'll certainly be putting the ipp through it's new paces and making sure it's a fee earner for me without a doubt.

I was so so enticed by the new SP series from MS recently, but the more i think into it the less i want. I mean, why choose the SP4 for instance when a more powerfull and equally portable laptop will do? And heck, it aint half fugly imo.

As i mentioned earlier, the more i think about the ipp the more comfortable and excited about it i become. At this point in time, i have desktop pc's, laptops and world class software... Now i want an awesome and fun new fast tablet. Ipp sounds just the ticket!

And about the price? Personally couldnt care less, not in that possition :p But all Apple's products cost a small mortgage, and they sell bucket loads.
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iPF Noob
Oct 3, 2015
Reaction score
Western North Carolina
This product is an I Pad. It is a touch device.....saying again, a touch device. It is a product full of hardware. And I must add, the best hardware anywhere on a tablet and a lot of laptops. It is a proven product. I do not need to be "pumped up" about it.....I have used this product since the first I pad. I have no concerns of comparing it to anything. It is in a class by itself. It has worked for me without fail and has been used to operate two companies, and keep all my personal and hobby information. It has never failed me. I do have a macbook pro I use on occasion. I do not need it that often, my I pad air 2 does it all with very very few exceptions.
Now before anyone gets all upset that their product is better.....just remain calm. There is room for all devices out there, and there is a slot for each of them. If you want a full blown computer running computer software, then they are out there. Competition only makes Apple work harder to give us more. I am glad the other guys are there. If you want an I pad with OS and usb slots, it is an Apple laptop.
Personally I love and know how to use IOS and can do anything I need to do with the I pad. It is not what most are used to, so to them it is not a good product. To them it is flawed. It would actually require some effort to learn a new system. It is easier to do what has always been done....and when you do that, you get the same results.
The one thing that we all must learn to understand, is the applications. This will be the only limitation to the I pad. There is nothing that can not be done with the proper applications even on a touch device. You add the apple hardware enclosed in the I Pad, to good applications and there is no limit to its abilities to perform any task.....even what the full computers will do. Already we see a few apps that will work just as good on a touch device as a pc or mac. (but they are not free or 99 cents) Developers need to make a living too..
Ask yourself this question. How much does Microsofts windows 10 software package cost you if you go to a retailer and buy it? Easily three figures.
How much does the Microsoft office package cost you if you buy it at retail. Close to three figures.
Buy Adobe and see how much it is.
My point being, the full size big computer/tablets should perform. They are full of high dollar, professional software. (And some of these software packages are full of what I call "malicious lines of code" to capture all your key strokes. ALL OF YOUR KEYSTROKES) They should blow the I pad out of the water, however my I pad that they say is so incapable, will perform almost the same processes without the high dollar software packages.
Slowly, the applications that are available for I Pad, will work up to fully workable workhorses, and apps to perform every need you have to do, and be able to do them on your Apple I Pad. The days of free and cheap apps are soon to be gone. If you want workable apps to compete with the "other products" you are going to have to be willing to pay a fair price for them. Do not expect workhorse apps at free to 99 cent prices. The apps will migrate to surpass the standards of software we have know for years.
Also, people resist change. They have to have a usb port, and "familiar, standard, what they grew up on products" Whether people like it or not, change is coming. Soon, there will be no standard usb ports on every machine, wireless will rule, and my Apple I pad will still be available and meeting my needs. The people of Apple are not fools and idiots. They are looking way beyond what everyone is comparing them too, and will be here in our future to still be providing products to lead the market.
I said in the beginning, the I pad was a touch product. The touch screen has revolutionized computer products. And the people who grew up touching and sliding fingers on Phones, will demand their computing products to work the same. And it will be more than a screen with full software that you can touch in a few places and call it a touch pad.
To each his own. I am 63 years old, make my own money, and do not have to have the approval or permission of anyone to make my mind up on buying an I Pad Pro.
If the apple store had one in stock I would go get one today, with the pencil, and the smart keyboard.
Give me IOS and my I pad.....it works and performs......period. The future is full of more expectations and products that work. I am excited about the "pro" and future software apps on the horizon.
Look all, do not be fooled into thinking the I pad is a play toy to listen to music and play video games. One guy called it an over grown phone. Let him buy the other stuff. It is his right. I know what my product is and what it will do.
Look at history, and what I pad pro is being compared to, tried to build a touch pad to match the I pad and could not. They had to build a computer and call it a "I Pad" likeness. All smile. And feel the love on this, but if you want another device, just go get one.....but as for me and my house, we will just stick with I Pad


iPF Noob
Oct 3, 2015
Reaction score
Western North Carolina
I may be one of the few that looks at the I Pad Pro in this manner, but I could not be more excited about it and the value I see that is in it.
I now own the I Pad air 2, and use it for everything. I seldom leave home without it. It is 100% quality. It performs flawlessly. The apps are more than sufficient to run a business, hobby, or just use it to watch video or play games. There is much in this I pad.
What is the I Pad Pro going to hold for us? So much more than the already great I Pad Air 2.
First I hear much concern about the pricing. I think it is a great buy. Not only for the I Pad Pro itself, but also the pencil. In my opinion, there is no touch screen out there nor pencil (what some call a stylus) that is even close to I pad or the Apple Pencil with price, function and quality.
First on pricing of the Pro. Look at the price of a 128 gig I Pad air 2. On the Apple web site, the 128 gig I Pad Air 2 is $699.00. The I pad pro is going to be $949.00. For $250.00 more look at how much more you are getting. It is going to be big enough that an older guy like myself will have much less trouble seeing the screen, and at the same time, how much more screen are the apps going to be able to use to perform tasks. As much as I use and depend on my I Pad, the difference in price is very justified in my mind.
Look at the hardware in it. The A9X chip is going to be super fast. It is going to be awesome. It has 64 bit architecture. It has the m9 motion coprocessor. Look at the updates to the touch the screen. The new screen is more sensitive to touch and designed to use the apple Pencil and respond even greater to touch. The "Pro" will have 4 speakers. The touch screen and pencil were not afterthoughts. The I pad pro is fully designed and engineered as only Apple can do for the screen and the pencil to work together. The way the screen using power is precise engineering of capable people that are not satisfied with the ordinary. They lead the way. It will consume less power giving us longer battery use.

The Apple pencil is far beyond most other devices to use to draw with. It could have been much more expensive for what you are getting. This is not some afterthought, but an engineer marvel to work with the apps, the touch screen, and it will be a long time before anyone else can even come close to the Apple pencil. Just look inside the pencil. It is packed with hardware. Again, it is a great value and buy for the money.

There is nothing close to this I Pad Pro. The only thing that people can compare "the Pro" to is a full fledged computer running computer software, that is called a tablet. And I do not put their product down, It is a very good product and also has a slot in the computing/tablet world. With it's computer operating system, it should blow I Pads out of the water. But the I pad can stand it's ground against these products, even with it's "watered down" apps. (their terminology, not mine). The I Pad Pro is in a class by itself. There is nothing out there to compare it too!. Do not even try to compare it to the macbook air or pro. It is a product in a class by itself. Yes, the pricing will be close to a macbook air. But the I Pad Pro is a machine that will give a large percentage of people all the computer they need and use. It's ease of use even for good apps is a great feature. The full software programs can take weeks to learn. Most of the I Pad apps do not even come with directions on how to use, as they are that simple to use...and yes, they perform. Many will look to the I Pad Pro as their only computer. It will be all they need.
And before I forget it, look at the price of what the I Pad Air is being compared to! I I pad Pro is a good deal.

I have one of the original keyboards made for the I Pad. No, apple is not copying anyone with their smart keyboard. They had the keyboard idea on the first I Pad. This smart keyboard will even make the I Pad Pro even work better. And again, Apple quality, with ease of use, and performance unmatched.

So the price tag to me is awesome. No, I am not wealthy. I make my money by crawling under houses and on tops of buildings. My money comes as hard as anyones, but value for what you are getting, makes the I Pad Pro one of the best buys out there. There is nothing out there like it. With Apple, in my opinion, you pay for what you get, but, you get what you pay for.
This is just my opinion. I do not expect all to see it as I do. But I see a great deal.
I hope each of you that wants one, can get one.

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