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Typing test


iPF Noob
Mar 25, 2010
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One of the mags did a comparison of typing on the iPad vs MacBook Pro and Mac full keyboard. All things considered, the iPad did really well, but who would even consider touch typing for speed on iPad? I am getting decent about using this, but no way is this going to be a speed demon. It's value is use as a single hand typing unit.
I agree. I plan to use the wireless Apple keyboard if I want to type quickly, or type a lot.

With the virtual keyboard the hardest thing for me to get over is to *not* rest my fingers on the home row. The virtual keyboard is close to the size of the real thing so I find myself reverting to classic typing technique and somtimes wanting to actually rest my fingers on the keys which of course screws up what I'm trying to type.
I type all my notes on the iPad. A good 4 pages worth of stuff over a 2hr period. So not exactly 100wpm, but I keep up with the professors and people who are taking notes on laptops and by hand just fine.

I am getting pretty good at it, I'm not going to buy the Apple keyboard either, defeats the purpose of the iPad in my opinion.
Yes, it is really not bad. I get very well along with it too. Especially the German special characters are easy to type.

I don't like the way, how I need to access numbers and brackets, etc.
I have found that switching keyboards can be fast enough for most usage. It takes awhile to get use to the way it auto-caps the sentence beginnings and I. The autocorrect is good feature, but needs getting use to.
I have found that switching keyboards can be fast enough for most usage. It takes awhile to get use to the way it auto-caps the sentence beginnings and I. The autocorrect is good feature, but needs getting use to.
Funny thing is, once I got used to the auto-cap I stopped typing them on my Mac. Now I am constantly having to go back and add caps where needed. The auto insert of ' into contractions and the double space for period is getting me into trouble on my Mac too ;).
All in all I'm quite pleased with the on-screen keyboard. I even like the auto cap.

BUT - I sure hope that they have listened to the folks who have suggested that they put arrow keys on it. That would save time and frustration.
I am getting pretty good on the keyboard. The only thing I do not like is the switching for some symbols. Although I realize it is necessary in order to maintain screen real-estate and keyboard size.

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