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transfer apps to another i tune account


iPF Noob
Dec 22, 2010
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My friend thinks he can give his friend his ipad2 and let his friend load his apps on his ipad, as n restoring a backup of some sort....its that possible?
While on this subject, I've a question...

How about TWO iPads tied to the same iTunes account so that they both can load apps using the same credentials? I'd like to give my mother my old iPad when my iPad 2 arrives AND make it simple for her by already having a means to get apps, etc. without her having to worry about setting up and managing her own account, thus I would continue to pay for this stuff as usual.

Michael "Spam, spam, bacon, eggs and spam. Hold the bacon and eggs." Sent from my iPad using iPF
Yeah that should work fine. Just give her your log in credentials and she can download away. I think you can share your apps on up to 5 devices? I use apps between my iPad and iPhone without any problems.

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