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Think we will ever see a FF3 SNES port?


iPF Noob
May 26, 2010
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iPhone or otherwise? My favorite Final Fantasy is III for the SNES. Yeah I'm jailbroken and have SNES4iPhone but there are no L/R buttons for the WiiMote and the on screen controls are huge.

Anyone else hoping they port it over? They did for FF1 and 2. :D
My daughter is right with you on that one, and considering the audience for FF, I would think so.

Of course my daughter won't get her own iPad until Gen II comes out...
I'm going to try a game called Chaos Rings for the iPhone, which gets AWESOME reviews, also by Square Enix, after I finish FF1 and 2. Or I might try to suck up the controls on the SNES4iPhone port.
Well, I'm sure you'll let us know when something good comes along...

I'm already busy with Broken Sword, and when I really want to have fun I play some Plants vs Zombies. But I would give a FF for the iPad a shot.

(Maybe you should make a survey on here asking who would buy and maybe the results would motivate the developers.)
I doubt it, they don't care about us peons lol
Chaos Rings is good, but not up to FF standards, of course. My only problem is I bought it a few days before I got my iPad, and since I'm still enjoying my native iPad apps, I hate to use the iPhone ones with 2X! My son however, who doesn't manage to finish many games (single dad, job tend to take precedence :)) finished it twice in a couple days, so he obviously enjoyed it!
I too hope for a FF3.... and I have Chaos Rings and like Cherhall I am not all that impressed with it. I played it for an hour or so a month ago and lost interest. After I play some of the many excellent games I now have, I will give it another shot....

I would also add that I would pay $30 for a complete port of FF7 for the iPad....
See? I think there is an audience for all the FF games to be ported. Heck I've never played any of them, but games are so much fun on the iPad that I would even buy them.
I had tried SNES-HD with my iPad that uses my iPhone as a wireless control pad, good news is this cydia app also uses the volume buttons as L/R buttons too! :D

I made a demo video on that too SNES-HD & TVOut 2 Combo

Hey, that's pretty cool! The iPhone as a controller is a very cool idea......

Still not reason enough for me to JB my pad, but nice anyway....
I had tried SNES-HD with my iPad that uses my iPhone as a wireless control pad, good news is this cydia app also uses the volume buttons as L/R buttons too! :D

I made a demo video on that too SNES-HD & TVOut 2 Combo

Hey, that's pretty cool! The iPhone as a controller is a very cool idea......

Still not reason enough for me to JB my pad, but nice anyway....

Hahaha Thanks! :D
I had tried SNES-HD with my iPad that uses my iPhone as a wireless control pad, good news is this cydia app also uses the volume buttons as L/R buttons too! :D

I made a demo video on that too SNES-HD & TVOut 2 Combo
Too bad I don't have an iPhone :( Wish they made it for Android.

And what about if you have to press the LR buttons together. IIRC from years ago, pressing LR together for a few seconds is what makes your party run from battle? Aren't the volume buttons on the iPhone similar to the iPad where it's really like a seesaw button?

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