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The ultimate ipad kanga pouch


Staff member
Mar 25, 2010
Reaction score
Gold Coast , Queensland Australia

Exclusive to Australia this kanga pouch offers constant support for your ipad with a warm fuzzy feeling. No zips to damage your precious iPad and guaranteed to offer the support you need when you are on the move. Many Colors are available including Brown, Desert Red, Battleship Grey and Albino (white) However be aware the Albino Kanga is in very very short supply!
Yes this amazing kanga pouch can be yours!!!

Supply is not a problem unlike the iPAD as some 30 million are available however delivery to you may be difficult as they are scattered all over Australia. Some of the issues that you should be aware of before purchasing are you have to be fast to catch one as they can reach 35 mph however learning to hop can be an advantage and you will require permission from the Australian government to export your ipad kanga pouch from Australia but think about it!! you will be the talk of the town when you get your iPAD kanga Pouch back home.

For pricing contact Bond "Alan Bond" I believe he sailed in an important Americas Cup race some years back........
So Hop on Down soooooon :D:D:D

Oh one more thing ( To quote some one we all know :D) . Kangaroo's are part of a group called 'macropods' Now we know where the name came from..... Hop Hop Hop :)
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Thanks, Aussie. Just thought I'd share the view of the Pouch from the States :D:


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