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Syncing desaster

Andy passaretti

iPF Noob
Jan 30, 2011
Reaction score
Hi I need help fast is there anyway for the iPad to undo a erase and sync for photos I lost 4,000 there has got to be a way to fix that mess right. If it's

Still in the drive of this iPad where can I find the tools to get this fixed. Thanks

Is apple making a recovery tool for iPads photos?

Sincerely Andy passaretti
Hi I need help fast is there anyway for the iPad to undo a erase and sync for photos I lost 4,000 there has got to be a way to fix that mess right. If it's
Sincerely Andy passaretti

I assume that you activated the Sync with iTune, where the iTune Folder was empty. From Apple point of view, it direct instruction by you to delete all the photos on your iPAD.

I think that from the Apple point of view all photos into an iPAD have to go through iTunes (with the exception of main photo folder ). Not unlike applications that can be downloaded on the iPAD , and although not yet on the iTunes, upon SYNC, the applications will be transfered into the PC's iTunes.

The only Photos, that a "Clean" sync wouldn't touch are the main folder, since you may move photos received on mail into that folder. So these are pictures that are not on your PC, and iTunes shouldn't delete them.

BUT there is hope

See these links, and tell us if it helped:

iPad Data Recovery | iPad Trash Recovery | iPad Photo Recovery.How to Recover Deleted iPad Photos, Emails and Trash form your New iPad Gadget
iPad Data Recovery - Introduction

"The iPad Photo Recovery tool firstly does a thorough scan of your iPad drive and the Flash drive for photos that have been deleted. During the scanning process it displays photos that have been deleted. If you want to recover these photos all you need to do is choose the photos that are on the list and the iPad Photo recovery tool will bring back your deleted photo. Retrieving deleted photos is now easy and simple with the Photo recovery tool;its interface is simple and easy to use making it a joy to work with."
Col bris. I got the photos from my computer and synced into the iPad with computer full I deleted everything my fault but before the computer deletion I erased and synced by mistake thinking it would put all of the photos from the iPad back to my photo gallery but itdiddent do it I needed a fresh new laptop so my mistake any suggestions ? Thanks sincerely Andy
Recovering photos

The lost photos can be recovered by using third party recover tools like Photo recovery SD card Mac OS, it is an efficient recovery software that helps you recover all the photos. This tool for all the apple products so, just give it a try.
Andy, I totally understand your frustration in loosing so many photos and I feel for you. I guess one has to make changes to how you make sure you are protected in the future.

My answer to this is Backup Backup Backup. After providing support for some 28 years it always amazes me that so many users of PCs and Macs never perform backups of their hard drives. If something castrophic happens like your computer is stolen, your house gets flooded ( that happened here), the hard drive fails or one hits the wrong button in error and many more at a blink of the eye it is all gone. if you load photos direct to your iPad or other valuable data I suggest backing up your iPad at least once a week depending on usage
The most important asset is your computer which has a copy of your iPad if you value your data back up at least twice if not 3 times.
Note size of external drives should be same as your internal drive Label drives with a bright sticker so any one will know which drive is which.

External drive 1 ( yellow) Monday, Wednesday, Friday
External drive 2 (red) Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
External Drive 3 (Blue) off site drive back up either weekly of monthly
Depending on your situation drive 1 and 2 can alternate off site.
If you are a light user make it week 1, week 3 week 5 on rotation.

Even if you have at least one back up it is better than nothing. The above system is a standard IT solution. It has worked for my Some 300 customers and it can work for you

As one user stated
" Think before you Sync"
So true the problem the OP had has nothing to do with iTunes it was about security of data in this case his huge photo collection. There are tools to recover and hopefully all will be ok. I hope the above helps other users from getting that cold feeling knowing you lost every thing. If you need more information on how to protect your data including any thing on your iPad let me know. Cheers

One more thing it does not matter if it is an Apple product like the iPad or a brand new tab from Samsung, or what ever the issue is the same. It is Not an iTunes problem it is all about prevention and protection of data regardless of what platform you use. This applies to mobile phones, laptops, towers net computers you name it.

I forgot at the very least for photos or important personal or business data use a 8 or 16gb flash drive and hang it around your neck or keep it some where safe but with out question off site from your business or home
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'my answer to this is simple Backup Backup Backup.
Absolutely correct.
In regard to my iPAD, Every 2 weeks I simply Duplicate my iTunes from one PC at home into the other. In my case I consider my Lap Top as the Master.
My iTune is not that large, Since I keep only the applications.
I do make backups for my ePUB books, my PDF Magazines, my Pictures, and songs.
I also have them all on DVD-CD as well.

If something happens, I wouldn't loose much sleep over it.

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