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Switching ipads


iPF Noob
Mar 28, 2011
Reaction score
Ok. I have not looked yet, but I expect someone has an easy answer.

How do I transfer everything from my 16gig to my new 64 gig iPad? The 16 is jail broken, the 64 will be shortly. I'd like to not make my kids start over on games, and I was hoping I could hook the new one to iTunes and transfer everything after backing up the 16.
As long as you use the same iTunes account, everything you purchase can be used on both computers.

If you do a full backup/sync with the 16g system, then select the "restore from backup" option when initializing the new iPad, it will restore the new one with whatever was on the old one. Rename it and you are good to go

thewitt said:
As long as you use the same iTunes account, everything you purchase can be used on both computers.

If you do a full backup/sync with the 16g system, then select the "restore from backup" option when initializing the new iPad, it will restore the new one with whatever was on the old one. Rename it and you are good to go


Perfect, that's what I was hoping for. Thanks !

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