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Standing in line.... uhh... why?


iPF Noob
Sep 28, 2010
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A house
I'll candidly admit... I don't "get it".

Is it for the cameraderie, the "experience", to say "I'm number one!" or... ??? I'll readily admit that I don't buy into the whole iUniverse mentality.

I hadn't decided whether I would buy one, as I wanted to see the screen in person before deciding, to see if it's a big improvement over my 1st gen. I had just assumed that people were standing in line because these were in short supply... not so much.

I swung by the local Best Buy after work today, figuring that if they were sold out that I'd hopefully at least be able to see a display model. Not only were they not sold out, but they had absolute BOATLOADS of them. All versions, all colors. No lines of any kind. Since they were offering 18 months 0% on them, I nabbed myself a 32GB Wifi in white.

Then when I stopped in at Sam's Club, they had plenty of stock on all of them as well.

So now I'm wondering why people would stand in line.

For some reason did our podunk little town get more supply than the greater metropolitan area of New York City and is there actually a supply shortage in some areas?

I really don't understand... what gives?
Maybe it just depends where you are. I pre ordered so no waiting in line for me, but I wanted to go get a new screen cleaner cloth so I went over to best buy and they were all out. One of the employees said they were out by about noon Denver time...
Yeah, i walked into Best Buy and bought 2 in 5 minutes. I think some people think half of the experience is actually buying it from a Apple Store.
It is fun at the stores.. but really, I wouldn' t waste time in a line if I didn't have to
The are a limitless number of reasons for people to wait in line. Each does it for their own reasons.

As for the stores in your area not selling out, if they have not sold out by now they will by weeks end... You must be in an are with low demand for them.
I got in line about 7:10...had a nice conversation with some IT guy...and I was the only person in the line at the apple store for people who had ordered online and selected store pickup. I had the iPad 3 by 8:04 and was on my way to work only minutes later. I later went to a best buy about 2pm and here were zero lines. I walked in a got another ipad in record time. Last year the line at best buy took 2 hours. Getting some sun might be good for you. Vitamin D and all...
Got one at the Apple store at noon with no wait at all. They had all models in both colours. They did have a line up earlier in the morning. We played with one and then discussed over lunch whether it offered sufficient upgrade over my iPad 1.
Don't forget that no one really knew how many most stores were going to have. Some people thought there were not going to be very many available. I just preordered mine to avoid any hassle.
I stopped into Best Buy today to grab mine around 3pm and got hassled by the salesman because I wanted to pay cash instead of applying for a Best Buy Card. I wanted to scream Cash is King. It was just kind of annoying, and they had a ton of iPad 3s on hand as well.
I also wanted to see it and stopped after work at Best Buy. I asked to see a demo model and got three different answers from three different people. Finally one Geek Squad guy showed me which one was the iPad 3, er, I mean NEW iPad. They also had plenty of stock.

Now I'm trying to decide if I want to sell my 16gb iPad 2 and buy a new 32gb iPad 2. I'm running out of storage. I'm ok until I want to load a couple movies on it. $100 off is a great deal and I love the thinner, lighter iPad 2.
I camped out all night cos I was convinced I would not get one otherwise as everyone said it would be sold out for
months if you didnt.
No one else turned up till five am and it was without a doubt one of the worst experiences of my life.
Never believe the hype that is what I took from it.
Each to their own, but I've got a job two young children and I do photography jobs on the odd weekend, no time!

Click and collect is a godsend for me, spent five mins ordering yesterday morning, pick up from my local supermarket this afternoon whilst daughter is at a party. Easy peasy!

I haven't really got into the apple store experience. I remember last year parking in pay and display next to the store, jumping out wanting to grab the camera connection kit and jump back in the car and the apple sales guy was wanting to take his time. I felt really bad having to hurry him up...

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