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Soon to own an iPad


iPF Noob
Mar 19, 2010
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Hi I am new to this site. I have preordered a 32g iPad-WiFi at my local Apple store and plan on picking it up on April 3rd. They only give a 6 hour window (9AM to 3PM) to pick it up or I will loose out on it. This seems ridiculous but if I want one then I have to play their game. I hope the weather is good that day I anticipate a long line. I am looking forward to hearing from others who have pre-ordered and then have used their new iPads. I will be checking this site from time to time. I have been an iMac user for only a short time (since September of 2009) and have been extremely pleased with the iMac ever since...I have to use a PC for work and I am constantly making comparisons and the Mac comes out ahead in each comparison.

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