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Slow Backup on iTunes


iPF Noob
Jun 8, 2010
Reaction score
Are people on here having a very slow backup with iTunes? I mean tremendously slow. I decided to disabled backup everytime it sync. Don't know what exactly is causing it.

Using Windows 7 x64.
If you're talking about right now, iTunes seems to be down - I can't access it or the App store right now.
Not a server issue.happens to me as well.30-60min to backup/sync.sometimes longer.have the same amount of content on my itouch which doesn't take 5 minutes to sync.
I've been dealing with this and it's extremely frustrating. I've left my backup going all night only to wake up and have it only be 1/2 done.

I've basically narrowed it down to faulty/buggy apps. I just went through this over the weekend and I deleted every app (stopped it from syncing) that didn't contain to much personalization information on the ipad. I didn't want to have to go through and set up all of my app customizations or lose data on some apps I have so I kept maybe a dozen.

I've found that if I strip my apps down my backup goes down to just a few minutes. Now I'm starting to add apps back slowly. I think the problem may lie in apps that store a lot of data locally on the iPad. I don't know that for sure but it seems like that's what's going on in my case.

The problem I've run into is that I tend to load back up a bunch of apps (from my iPad) and I don't sync very often, so the next time I plug in in takes forever to backup and I don't remember which apps I installed last, so I start the process over :)
Same here. From what I've read it is alot of 64 bit users. Alittle heads up, all I do is plug my iPad in, then when it starts to say Backing Up iPad, I hit the little X in the top center dialog box at the top of iTunes. Then it will proceed to sync my newly acquired apps.

I figure I will let it do a back up at least once a month and just let it go over night or something. Till then, this is an easy fix.
I never had a problem but people with the Zinio magazine app complained that it was causing issues...if you have that.
If we're getting this problem you can bet that Apple engineers are well aware of it too.
Hopefully this will be addressed in the forthcoming os upgrade.
We can only hope, but for now that little x button is your friend.

That said all my important info is updated wirelessly (Dropbox & Evernote) so backups are relatively unimportant.
My backups take from a few tom many minutes. It seems to be related to how much data I have saved in apps like GoodReader. I don't backup all the time, so I just don't worry about it.
I'm another windows 7, 64-bit user with slow backup. While still slow, it did cut my time from half a day to an hour and a half.

I had itunes version In itunes, it says I'm up to date. But I went ahead and downloaded to my desktop and then installed it.

Backup time is still slow, but it's way better than it was.
I have a 64gb iPad. Each backup takes only about 5-10 minutes, and it is more than half full. I do have Zinio, but haven't purchased any magazines with it. I have disabled auto-brightness because I have heard of wifi slowdowns when it is on, and quite frankly I don't need it auto adjusting all the time anyway. I wonder if it has anything to do with it?
I'm running the Zinio app and Windows 7 64 bit, and it's probably taking 30 minutes or so to back up if I've downloaded very many apps since the last sync. I'll do some trial and error when I have some free time and see what changes seem to effect backup time. The red x will come in quite handy sometimes when a full backup isn't needed.
The iphone/ipod/ipad backup files can become corrupted verry easily. when this happes backups via iTunes can take a very long time. Deleting the backup files on your computer and they performing a new backup should fix this issue.

The first time a backup is made it may take a while since its backing up everything on the device, but backups made after the first one should not take long.
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Okay, I jinxed myself. As soon as I said my backups took only 5-10 minutes, I had one that took 45 minutes. :p
I bought my ipad whilst on a conference visit. (My first apple hardware ever - I don't even have an iPod!)

I sync'd it with my ancient Windows laptop and everything was fine. Fast backup's and sync's.

I come home and try to sync it with ny Win7 64bit quad processor desktop and it takes hours!

I cannot understand it. I had hoped that the bigger beast that my desktop unit is would speed everythiung up to greased lightning (I was impressed with my old laptop - I was hoping to be blown away by the desktop.)

Now I'm very frustrated.:mad:

Could this have someting to do with the fact that I am resync'ing with a different machine?

BTW I downloaded the new itunes to my desktop as I didn't even have that....
Depends...did you download a bunch of stuff while you were on your conference that it now has to back up?

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