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Signal boosters

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iPF Noob
Living in the woods I know I will probably never have real 3G signal quality but what about the signal boosters such as Wi-Ex z-boost? Anyone have experience with these gadgets. I am getting a solid 3 bars on my iPad but 5 would be a lot better. Any opinions?
Reply about Signal Boosters

Quick disclaimer, I work for Wilson Electronics, but I saw the tweet about your post.

Two products I'd recommend just based on your comments (though if you want a specific recommendation our tech support can help you--it's free and open between 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. EST: 1-866-294-1660) are either the DeskTop or DT Signal Booster or the DB Pro. The DB Pro is more expensive but has higher gain (meaning it's able to pull in weaker signals) and has a better antenna for picking up cell phone signals.

Hope this helps.
I know sprint provides those with very poor signal in their homes with an airave. Sort of like your own cell tower in your home. Don't know if AT&T has a similar offering, especially if all you have is an ipad.
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Good to note. If you have broadband in your home you can buy a Femtocell--AT&T has one available now. Should mention though that they are carrier specific, which shouldn't matter for what you mentioned above, but friends on other carriers wouldn't have coverage from it.
Wi-Ex Signal booster

I am an iPhone user and have the Wi-Ex zBoost Dual Band for Home and Office cell phone signal booster in my home. It works great. Prior to adding the zBoost, I was not able to make a call from my home with my iPhone. I do not have an iPad yet, but they work in a similar manner.

I also work with Wi-Ex, and they are a wonderful company. They have a really knowledgable customer service department and offer a 30 day cash back guarantee. I would recommend trying the zBoost Dual Band
(YX-510) just like the one I use. You can read more about it at
www.wi-ex.com and if you decide to purchase it, go to amazon.com where you will get a great price.

Wi-Ex Customer Service:(800) 871-1612
Hours of Operation: Monday – Friday 8:30am – 5:30pm EST
Email: info@Wi-Ex.com
Hey Ron. Thanks for the recommendation. Actually after researching the YX-510 last night I ordered it and from Amazon. It will be here this afternoon. I will let you know how well it works for me.
We use a wi-ex where I work and it's great. Highly recommended.

I would like to get one with a directional, high gain Yagi antenna to hit the neighboring 3G tower that I get a mile down the road from my house.
So - my home isn't an issue - but being out and about is. I live in the MFN and ATT signals are very weak. When I can get a signal - a strong one is about 130k download.

Is there something I can put with or next to my iPad that will boost the signal when I'm moving about? Something that isn't too bulky.
So - my home isn't an issue - but being out and about is. I live in the MFN and ATT signals are very weak. When I can get a signal - a strong one is about 130k download.

Is there something I can put with or next to my iPad that will boost the signal when I'm moving about? Something that isn't too bulky.

Here's what I'd recommend (again, as I mentioned above, I work for Wilson, but this is a highly recommended product): Amazon.com: Wilson Electronics 801241 MobilePro Cell Phone Signal Booster for Car and Home / Office w/12” Magnet Mount Antenna – For Multiple Users: Cell Phones & Service

It's a MobilePro from Wilson Electronics. It's built to go where you are and works with any carrier or device. Great for traveling, a car, etc--hence the name! :-) If you have any other questions about what solution to buy, our tech support is always there for you: 1-866-294-1660 (www.wilsonelectronics.com).

Hope that helps!
Signal booster

Hi David. Try the zBoost car unit. Not only will it boost your iPad it will also boost all phones in the same car simultaneously. The price was recently reduced from $299 to $179. There is also a 30 day guarantee. Go to wi-ex.com for more details. Roni
Wilson Amplifiers has nice working units, They work with any carriers in US as well as in Canada. There are some units for home, building as well as vehicle. For more information, visit their website.

Hi Dany70 - welcome to the forum! :) You latched onto a 6 y/o thread which will likely receive little attention and probably be closed by a mod - however, the topic is certainly important. Hope to see you posting in the future. Dave
This thread dates from May of 2010, just after the iPad 1 was introduced and the original participants have not been back. If you want to discuss signal boosters for the iPad, it would be better to open a new thread as the capabilities of the iPad have changed a great deal in the past 6 years and procedures are undoubtedly different with modern devices.

With that, this thread is now closed to further replies.
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