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iPF Noob
May 26, 2010
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We won't bite!

There are like 1400 guests on the forum and only 93 registered members!

Even if you want to stop in just to say you just ordered your iPad, go ahead!

I am always amazed how many view a thread, yet no posts.... I know there will always be lurkers, and that's fine.... But shurly more of you than do post have an opinion, or comment.

We are all just real people here, join us!

P.S. Great thread Matth3w....
Excellent point Matth3w! This forum is even better when you can be a part of it :)

Actually I do bite a little :D
Thanks guys, you never know what someone has to share...perhaps they have seen an app that we haven't heard of, or are having problems, etc. Before you hit the navigate button away from the page to search for another result, ask the question!
Been lurking for the last couple of weeks. My iPad is scheduled to arrive next week, I'll have more to say once I have played with it! Love the site! Waiting patiently for my status to move from "Preparing to Ship" to "Shipped".
Been lurking for the last couple of weeks. My iPad is scheduled to arrive next week, I'll have more to say once I have played with it! Love the site! Waiting patiently for my status to move from "Preparing to Ship" to "Shipped".
Thanks for joining! I knew I could rope someone in :D
Hey storm tracker, welcome! Hope that status change to "shipping" happens soon!

And, do you really track storms?
Hey storm tracker, welcome! Hope that status change to "shipping" happens soon!

And, do you really track storms?

As a matter of fact I do, I am a weather geek. Can't wait to check out the weather apps. I'll post a link to my site once I have enough posts to do so.

Very cool!

I have rode with police and firefighters, (I like some thrills from time to time) but have wanted for some time to go near storms. Very cool, and track on.
Howdy, mostly a lurker here!

I also track storm for a living. I am a career Emergency Manager, just saw the Hurricane HD app.

Great thread, to the OP!
I don't have an iPad yet and still post. Learn some things before I get it and help others with things I do know.
Still plan to get it in August when my student loans come in. Maybe I'll be able to walk into BestBuy then and get one, lately the one in my area hasn't had any.
I have had my 3G 64GB iPad for about a month and I love it. I carry it everywhere and I just could not be happier.:D
Welcome all :)

We Each will use the iPad differently, but we all are iPad users. I do just about everything on mine. I like to make music, listen to music, read books, keep up With news, the web, email, games, office type things.... And more....

Great to have you here, jump right in!
I don't have an iPad yet and still post. Learn some things before I get it and help others with things I do know.
Still plan to get it in August when my student loans come in. Maybe I'll be able to walk into BestBuy then and get one, lately the one in my area hasn't had any.

Over time availability will improve. August will be here soon! You are wise to spend this time learning...
Hi! a month owner of a 64gwifi pad from manila, philippines. I heard apples has yet to launch ipad here in august. and so itunes is still not working in ipad. but at least we have ibook already. (my problem on my previous post). this site has helped me a lot with my ipad.
thanks for this site!

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