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Ship dates for Europe?


iPF Noob
Apr 6, 2010
Reaction score
Cologne, Germany
Has anybody seen a ship date for Europe (Germany specifically)?

Let's collect the information by country.

Thanks in advance


No one seems to have any specific date, just "late April" is all we are seeing.
Yup, i searched it and all i got was april 2010.:/ sorry.
a friend of mine works for T-Mobile Germany and just snapped some info on the aisle where they (T-Mobile) are still considering to offer a subvention if you buy an iPad with a data-plan.

Maybe Apple is still negotiating with the carriers in Europe, what to offer. Especially Germany is still very, very strict with the one-carrier-policy.

Anywhere else Vodafone at least is offering the device.

Funny thing is, that you can get imported unlocked 3GS 32GB for €900, but if you just drive to Belgium, Italy or Czech Republic you can get the same device €200 less. And sometimes straight away from Apple....

On the other hand, Apple has changed their pricing policy for Germany about 6-9 months ago. Now you can buy most products for a adequate price in comparison to the US list price. i.e. MacBook Pro 15" is $1999 (= €1485), German price is €1799.

So I reckon that Apple's price for the iPad in Europe could be €449, €549 and €649.
We will see with what they will come up.......

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