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Setting up your ipad as a virtual workspace


iPF Noob
Feb 19, 2012
Reaction score
Hamilton Ontario
Hi, I'm new to this forum, and hope to hear from you if you've been using your iPad to create a virtual file cabinet and workspace using apps that can synch your iPad with you laptop and iPhone. I've set up a system using Dropbox, Docs to go, Notability and Outlook mail, calendar and reminders. I also make use of WriteOn PDF's for on-site form completion on my iPad. Anyone using a similar setup? What works best for you?
Hi there-I am moving this to the APP section where you may get more attention.

Sounds good m8. I have been trying to do the same, but haven't succeeded yet. The main failure being the fact that I cannot edit files in DropBox while I'm on the road. Having to copy items to and from DropBox is frustrating. I hoped to do so with Smart Office 2, in combination with the basic DropBox app. It allows me to take 1Gb of documents with me on my iPad, but will save edited file (office docs) in my Documents folder (of Smart Office). Then, when I have connection again, I need to copy those back to my DropBox.. Too cumbersome and fault sensitive :(

Does your solution fit my bill as well?
This is a good idea for setting the work place at home, But demanding for equipment and facilities.

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