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Recording audio from Streaming into Garageband


iPF Noob
Nov 21, 2021
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Hey folks, sorry if this is the wrong forum, thought musicians area might be my best bet!

Looking into a 2020 or 21 ipad pro, excited about the new studio quality mics and hoping I might be able to record my radio show on the go without bringing my studio setup. One hiccup I think I will have is that on my macbook I use a program called "VB cable" to record music from streaming services directly into garageband. Anyone know if there are any apps or workaround to do this on the ipad? Or will I still have to carry multiple devices if I make this investment? Thanks in advance!
I don’t know of any way to record streaming audio on the iPad. While there is an approved way to redirect audio from one app to another, it’s a feature that has to be built into the app. For obvious reasons, streamilng services are unwilling to make it easy to record.
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Not sure if it will work in your situation, but you could use the screen recorder and then extract the audio track using a video editor.

Edit: there are a number of apps in the App Store for extracting the audio track from a video.

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