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Recently got an iPad :D


iPF Noob
Jul 6, 2010
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I just ordered an iPad a few minutes ago and can't wait to use it :). Ive seen some useful apps I can use with the iPad and schoolwork. Im going to college too so Ill try using it for notes and light schoolwork.
Also, Ive seen some people saying that a laptop is more useful than an iPad for college, but the one difference between most laptops and an iPad is that you can actually draw diagrams and equations on it. Id hate to try to take notes in a math class with a trackpad and a keyboard.
So far there are very few things I can't use mine for I take online courses so I use it a lot for that only problem comes when I need certain software like dreamweaver other than that it's great you will go nuts waiting for it or at least I did but I'm impatient.
I'm new as well. Finally ordered my iPad (after months of coveting one and dithering about it), as my PC is driving me nuts (it's windows vista with only 512mg of ram and slow as anything).

Am hoping my online experience changes as a result of having an iPad. We shall see!
:D Thank you all. Had some trouble with shipping so Im getting a refund and Im gonna order it at a store.
Ouch the frustration......
You'll find it's surprisingly capable little machine that you'll rarely put down. My usage of my other machines has taken a real dive.

When you get it check out the video on YouTube for Note Taker HD. It might be useful for schoolwork, though I believe there are a number of apps designed for students.
Yea, I'm planning on buying that. The only thing is that it doesnt have text input so it'll take longer to take notes...depending on the type of class it is

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