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Activator Keyboard Shortcuts!


iPF Noob
Jul 16, 2011
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Hello there, I have recently been using a wireless bluetooth keyboard with my jailbroken wifi ipad2 and couldn't love it more for light text entry and note taking.

However i am a little discouraged with he lack of keyboard shortcuts available within the ipad, i've searched around cydia and around this forum and have had no success finding what im looking for. Are there any activator tweaks/packages that ive missed?

thank you in advance :)
almost two hundred views and not one comment!

common people!

I don't think there is a way to set activator events for keyboards.

And don't worry about 300 views and no comments. Remember that the view count counts guests too, and they can't post.
Usually it takes 1 post by another member and then the thread gets going.
I'm not sure what type of shortcuts you want, but you can purchase BT Keyboard from Cydia ($5 I think). This will allow you to assign key commands in Activator. This will not give you CUT/COPY/PASTE (as far as I know) but will allow you to assign key commands for functions available in Activator.

You should know this method:
1) Costs $5
2) Disables native iPad bluetooth functionality
3) BT Keyboard may not work with your particular keyboard (check the app info before purchasing)

I use BT Keyboard and BT Mouse almost daily on my iPad for work related data input.
I'm not sure what type of shortcuts you want, but you can purchase BT Keyboard from Cydia ($5 I think). This will allow you to assign key commands in Activator. This will not give you CUT/COPY/PASTE (as far as I know) but will allow you to assign key commands for functions available in Activator.

You should know this method:
1) Costs $5
2) Disables native iPad bluetooth functionality
3) BT Keyboard may not work with your particular keyboard (check the app info before purchasing)

I use BT Keyboard and BT Mouse almost daily on my iPad for work related data input.

Ive taken your advice and installed BTstack keyboard on my ipad2, however im having problems with the blue tooth. it seems to disconnect my apple wireless keyboard every time i respring or turn off my screen, forcing me to re-connect my keyboard. Pretty large drawback.

do you or anyone else experience these issues?
I am told an app called Insomnia helps with this. Have not tried it myself yet as I just found that out.

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