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RDP app for iPads on Windows Server 2003 with account login


iPF Noob
Jul 26, 2011
Reaction score
River Falls, WI

My company has a client medical office that has two first-generation iPads needing to RDP into their server to use an application for patients. We tried MochaSoft's RDP Lite but the users needed administrative rights on the server to log in. Next we tried Splashtop, but iPad #1 automatically connects to the Administrator session (which needs to stay logged in for the server side of Splashtop to run) and if iPad #1 is connected via Splashtop, iPad #2 can't connect via Splashtop.

We need a reliable iPad RDP app which requires users to log in, doesn't require administrative permissions for the user accounts, and ideally doesn't require a third-party listening or web-based application on the server.

Does such a product exist? Without it, these iPads are useless to our client.

Thank you in advance,
Isaac Grover
I cant be sure how well this app works for your needs, but it is my favorite. Try Wyse Pocketcloud . There is a free version to see whether it will work for you.

Reasons why i like it is, it can rdp, it can vnc, it can vmware and can use the listening app route. So there is alot of options. The thin browser client (bring the desktop browser out into a full app window) is also great if you need flash etc.

It also have of the better interfaces to navigate in the desktop with when it comes to mouse controls (nice little widget)

Sent from my iPad 2 using Tapatalk
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Wyse PocketCloud worked perfectly: logging in with one individual account on each of the two first-generation iPads simultaneously to the Windows 2003 server via RDP over wireless has held solid for over a day now. And no silly listener apps or registration requirements.

Thanks for the recommendation,
Isaac Grover

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