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Question about iCloud


iPF Noob
Feb 1, 2012
Reaction score
Des Moines, IA
So I have a 16GB iPad 2. I don't have iTunes on it purposely because it has limited space. Is there anyway I could have, say, 10 GB of music that doesn't physically need to be stored on my iPad..but that I can listen to on my iPad anywhere?

Sent from my jailbroken iPad2 using iPF
iTunes Match for iCloud would seem to be the option you are looking for. This is a subscription service. It allows you to match your iTunes music collection and store it on iCloud. It can then be played from any of your devices. You download tracks as they play, but you can easily remove them again (from the iPad) when finished, maximising your free space as required.

Here's Apples main page about it - Apple - iTunes - Match

Good luck!

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