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Probably stupid question: What does "other" include?


iPF Novice
Mar 9, 2011
Reaction score
Little Rock, AR
Guess I never paid much attention to what data was on my first gen iPad as I had 64 GB. My new iPad2 has 16GB, so I am paying a bit more attention to available space.

When I did the sync I was watching the bar at the bottom, showed like 3.36GB for videos; maybe 5 GB for Apps; 1.10 GB for photos: and like 4.4 GB other. Leaving me with like 3.4 - 4.4 GB free.

What does the "other" comprise of?

Not sure what all is included in the "other" category but some of that is the operating system.
Not sure what all is included in the "other" category but some of that is the operating system.

This is correct. Harddrives are always advertised with the full amount of space, including the data that is taken up by the OS and base apps that the OS comes with.
Thought is had to be OS stuff. LikeI said never thought of before because I had 64GB, now with 16GB I have to be a bit more frugal! Thanks for the replies.

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