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Purpose of BCCing self in mail?


iPF Noob
Aug 5, 2011
Reaction score
This may be a silly question, especially when I'm not exactly a computer or email newbie and am quite savvy in both respects; or maybe I'm having a blonde moment, LOL.

I tried searching the forum (using the forum app) but am getting a parse error...

But, what's the purpose of the setting to BCC self in mail on the iPad, and ending up with two copies of the same email, one in Sent and one in Inbox?

TIA :)
I only bcc myself when i am sending emails to multiple recipients so that my email server will not think it I am sending spam.
Hi, I BCC myself so that the sent email shows up in my desktop outlook folder, otherwise it will only be on the iPad in the sent folder and that has caused me problems in the past when I am sure I responded to someone but can't find the email only to figure out that it's only on my ipad.
I'm so sorry for taking so long to reply! I had a family situation arise and wasn't able to be online much.

I haven't anything to add, just wanted to thank you for your replies even if rather belatedly.
I use it when giving feedback to people I manage, for instance. I tell them stuff in person, but also email them and myself. That way, they and I have a record -- good and bad -- of stuff they've done all year. It makes writing reviews a lot easier.

I also BCC myself on things I need to follow up on.

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