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iPF Noob
Feb 29, 2012
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I want to download an app that enables PowerPoint on my iPad 1 but I have to upgrade the iPads software and this is proving impossible. I keep trying but I just get a message saying the download timed out and was unsuccessful. Can anyone help me with one or both of the following -
  1. How can I access a lower grade version of software to download? For example, 4.0 instead of the 5.1 it's automatically trying to download. Apple told me I can't upgrade iPad 1 to 5.1.
  2. Is there a PowerPoint app that works on the original software that I have, which is 3.2.2?
Thanks in advance
had to check if 5.1 is out, and no its not....5.0.1 should still be available.
Thanks a lot. I'm in the UK and we have to be careful here about these things. Plus I'm not clued in enough to do the download! Have you used Powerpoint or any kind of charts app on an iPad 1 ?
Check out an app called OnLive Desktop. It runs on iOS 4.3 or newer. It will give you a PC like desktop with FULL versions of Word, Excel & PowerPoint, and it's free! You have to sign up on another computer, but once you're logged in you have access on your iPad. You can use Dropbox, etc with it. Hope that helps

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