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PosT Where You Dock Your iPad!!!


iPF Noob
Jun 10, 2010
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nice set up mike, and thx for help on my sig.. l
like how i pasted the twitter logo on the jokers card?
Lol looking a little juiced there :)

How do find the mac mini?
Thinking of picking up one of the new models.
Lol looking a little juiced there :)

How do find the mac mini?
Thinking of picking up one of the new models.

Put it this way. I have a $2,000+ Gaming PC running windows 7 that is amazingly fast(worth more than it cost me)

Then I got a low end Mac Mini. The low end MAC Mini's were around $550 and I purchased one just to start making apps for my iPhone. I figure I could Publish a few apps and make the $500 back.

This was my first time ever really Using a MAC. Guess what, Now my super gaming PC is hardly ever used and my Main PC is this MAC Mini. It performs amazingly well considering its specs and is now two years old. All of my future computer purchases will be from APPLE.

Learning curve swtiching from PC to Mac only took me a few days. Apple free intro to Mac workshops pretty much gets you going.
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Yeah , ihave a quad core as well, for pc, motherboard is ip35 pro, 8 gigs of ram..

I also have win 7/ 64 bit, and love it!

I would like to upgrade to 8 processors soon, but don't have the $$$$$

Arnt quads great, especially for adobe premiere pro , when editing HD..
Two screens.. awesome,, i have that set up at work,, not room at home. i love the third screen too nice set up ;)
I was dual booting into OSX on my quad core until the last update broke it (sata mb, raid etc.) and decided I'd like a dedicated Mac machine which didn't sound like a B52 taking off.....

Love the minimal look of the mini and reckon it would make a nice match with my I gadgets.
(love that minimal mac website too)

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