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Please help before I go insane!!!


iPF Noob
Mar 24, 2012
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I was wondering if anyone could help me..

For the past 3 days I have been trying to sync my ipad 3 with the itunes on my computer. For some reason its just not happening, when i plug the ipad to my laptop the only option that comes up is 'import pictures and videos'.

Does anyone one if this is my ipad or possibly the laptop? Has this happened to any of you?

Have you tried a different USB port? And, are you using iTunes 10.6?
is itunes 10.6 the new version? If so no i'm not, I didnt think it would matter, but I will try downloading it now. Yes have tried 2 different usb ports and no luck :(
If you are anywhere near a Apple store, make an appointment with a genius. It will be a lot easier to have them walk through it with you than to go through all the ways to troubleshoot this. If not, we will give you all the help we can. You would be surprised at all the things that you can learn in one trip to the Genius Bar.
is itunes 10.6 the new version? If so no i'm not, I didnt think it would matter, but I will try downloading it now. Yes have tried 2 different usb ports and no luck :(

iPad 3 needs itunes 10.6 or later.
ok I will give it ago, thanks for your help. :)

I was wondering if anyone could help me..

For the past 3 days I have been trying to sync my ipad 3 with the itunes on my computer. For some reason its just not happening, when i plug the ipad to my laptop the only option that comes up is 'import pictures and videos'.

Does anyone one if this is my ipad or possibly the laptop? Has this happened to any of you?


Hi there-

Please do not create multiple posts of the same question. This makes it difficult for other members to follow and also help you out. It is also against Forum Rules.

I will go ahead and deleted the other post(s) you have created.

Thank you.

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