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iPF Noob
Feb 2, 2012
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Please don't judge me,as I am a new Ipad user.I had no problem syncing my ipad and pc.However, for the life of me I cannot delete the unwanted pic albums or individual pics that were downloaded. I press edit,but it does not give me the option to delete.Help...please!
I click on the garbage can once I am looking at the actual photo in the photo viewer. However, there is a way to delete a lot of photos using itunes with your ipad connected to your pc. I dont remember how that works. but it is possible.
I know how to go through itunes to delete the albums but when I am displaying the actual pic that I have downloaded my garbage can does not come up.However,it does come up the with the pics I've taken with my ipad.I don't know if that makes sense....ugh!
Individual pics that are downloaded through iTunes can only be deleted through iTunes. Pictures you take or put directly on your iPad (i.e. through the cck or an app) will show the trash can and can be individually deleted. I'm not sure how to group delete pictures acquired one of these ways.
As Czevsky said, you can only delete photos added through iTunes by changing those iTunes settings and re-syncing.

iOS and iPod: Syncing photos using iTunes

To delete multiple photos (not in synced albums) you need to be in the thumbnail view (lots of little pictures) you tap on the action icon (box with and arrow coming out); then tap on each photo you want to delete. Each selected photo will have a blue checkmark. When you are done selecting tap on the Delete button tot he left (it will be grayed out until you've selected a photo).

Another way to select a lot of photos at a once is to use two fingers and tap and hold on on thumbnail for at least a second, then drag your fingers across the other photos you want selected. I'm not sure if this is actually faster than just tapping, but it is kind of cool.

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