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Paperless office


iPF Noob
Feb 8, 2012
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I want to go paperless in my office. I am a hypnotherapist and my clients fill out intake forms which they bring with them. I want to set up a webform which can be filled out on my site and then emailed to me. The catch is I want it to be editable on the ipad2 so I can add session notes. Suggestions?
This is a quick reply... not fully thought out on my part.

You could use standard web forms that could send you responses via email. When you receive the emails, you could copy/paste the text into a wide variety of apps, so that you could write on them during your sessions. If you used a program like SoundNotes or Audiotorium, you could audio record your sessions at the same time you are writing your notes.
sroehm said:
I want to go paperless in my office. I am a hypnotherapist and my clients fill out intake forms which they bring with them. I want to set up a webform which can be filled out on my site and then emailed to me. The catch is I want it to be editable on the ipad2 so I can add session notes. Suggestions?

First, I'm going to state something obvious: if your intake forms request any type of insurance or payment information, email would be a very idea on a lot of levels unless you encrypt them first and even then it's still a bad idea.

Is there any particular reason you want them emailed to you? From your question a properly designed and secured database and website would be more effective unless you don't have Internet access at your office.
I am not sure if your business has to comply with HIPPA but I would be very careful about having patient information emailed would some sort of encryption.
I have been paperless on a lap top for many years and I am using iPad 3 to do the same. I use a cloud service, quick office, PDF Expert and goodreader.
So far I am doing ok, a little trouble with goodreader being so robust but... I now do all of my work from the field. This includes using all ms docs, and PDF docs.

The challenge is to think about in a new way :)
I work as a construction inspector. All my plans, details, RFI, bulletins, Fcd's, submittals etc. etc are always available. I did reorganize and rename folders and files to make them more user friendly on the pad

Still use the puter to organize and up date large files. I have files with more than 2000 pages, easy to update on the puter and then use in field.


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD
I would try reaching out and find other people in your profession who are doing this already. They may have some unique industry software they can use with their iPad that allows them to accomplish what you want to do.

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