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Opinions: iBooks on Android


iPF Noob
OK, we know that there are many apps for reading available for the iPad from many iBook competitors.
So what are the chances that Apple will release a version of iBooks for the Android platform to expand their sales base?
I know a lot of people complain about the iBooks application but I like it and would love to be able to access it on my Droid X for true anywhere reading.
I would say south of slim and none.... But I'm sure there is a version of Stanza or FBReader or some such for Android. And I know the Kindle app just came out for it..... iBooks is fine, but not a must have... and the iBooks store is overpriced anyway.....
There is no chance that Apple makes iBooks for Android because it's 2 different and competitive platforms and Apple wants to make his company special from others

I would love to be able to sync my reading between my iPad and my Android phone. Right now I can only do that with the Kindle app and the Barnes & Noble "Nook" app. I prefer iBooks to either of those.

I wish I could buy books from Apple via iBooks, but since I can't read them on my Android phone, I end up paying my money to Amazon instead. Surely Apple would rather have my money, and I would rather give it to them. Would they be swayed by that argument?
Surely Apple would rather have my money, and I would rather give it to them.

He's no Bill Gates, but apparently a lot of people feel the way you do!


(Source: Forbes magazine - The Richest People in America - Forbes.com)

And that is the difference between apple and amazon. Amazonn would rather sell books, so makes their books available for everything. Apple would rather sell devices, so makes their software only available on their devices.

That is why I am not buying any books from Apple.
I will never need an Apple iBook on my Android devices, because I will never buy an iBook, Apple took 3 months to start selling them in Canada and during that time I found Kobo and it does everything I need for a book reader. And before you not Apples fault .... 1) iPad was 3 months late already "shows you how Apple feels about Canada" during which Apple could of got rights to sell books. 2) There were programs like Kobo at launch, they can sell us books but Apple can not? Kobo sells a huge selection of eBooks, if it is released in Paper Kobo will release an eBook, I do not need iBooks.
Checked on both of my authored books on Ipad. A DEADLY CLASS REUNION & THE FEATHERY. Very satisfied with their presentation. Soon my latest, A DRUMBEAT TOO NEAR, will appear on Ipad...set on Cape Cod, occupied Paris, France and on a German U-boat in the North Atlantic...WW ll, 1942. It's historical fiction.
ok thanks for your share
I actually prefer ibook to the kindle app, but currently amazon gets all my money because I can install it on my pc and and my droid as well as my iPad. And they all sync to the furthest point read on any of the devices. I've found cheaper prices as well as more expensive ones on ibooks so that's a wash and I'd probably shop there if it weren't for the advantages of Kindle.

Bottom line: If iBook were available for the PC and droid, I'd be using it instead of the Kindle app and buying books on iBooks.

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