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<< open with? >>


iPF Noob
Nov 12, 2011
Reaction score
Hello iUsers,

I would like to know if it is possible to use or setup the "open with" option when viewing email attachments. I used three email clients: from Apple, GMail app and iMailG app. The three use, always, they build-in viewer, that in many times isn't as good as an specific app.


IPad2 happy user :)
Hatuey said:
Hello iUsers,

I would like to know if it is possible to use or setup the "open with" option when viewing email attachments. I used three email clients: from Apple, GMail app and iMailG app. The three use, always, they build-in viewer, that in many times isn't as good as an specific app.


IPad2 happy user :)

some apps have a built in compatibility mode for "open with" option on your email .. depending on the type of file you like to view, just choose / install the app that has such compatibilty mode ... the app will show when you flick "open with" on your email ... i hope this is what you're looking for ...
Thank you!

It is working for the Apple email App :), but not for the Google App neither for the iMailG :(

i do not use google app nor imailG .. so i do not know whether "open with" feature works in them or not ..... but it might be that "open-with" is a specific feature only available on apple stock email app ..
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