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No HELP key


iPF Noob
May 15, 2010
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I think one of the major design lacks of he iPad is the lack of a universal HELP key (F1). Load an app and try to guess how it works is a lousy user experience. Some provide an opening screen with instructions but once in the program there is no way to pop back for details. If there are any.
I agree that there are reasons for wanting something like that. We can add that to the arrow keys and others.
I agree that there are reasons for wanting something like that. We can add that to the arrow keys and others.

Good idea! Split the redundant huge left "?123" key and give us little arrow keys, split the right shift key and give us forward delete and help.

I know the folks at Apple could even come up with a better scheme if they would. Maybe they will get the message....
The 'first is usually the worse' philosophy applies to most electronics. But how can we tell what we need until we do without.

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