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New Old Guy


iPF Noob
Apr 9, 2012
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First computer saw a Vic20 with a massive 8k of memory. Would not have ever imagined the capabilities of the IPad. Having great fun. Excited to exchange ideas.
Welcome. I am going to move you to the introductions page so you can properly meet everyone. I too started with a Vic 20.
Hi and welcome to the Forum!

The IPad Forum is a community of members from all walks of life and from all over the world coming together to share our experiences and to help each other learn about this wonderful piece of technology the Ipad. There is a wealth of information already here in the many threads we have so doing some searches will answer most of the questions you have. If then you cannot find the answer you are seeking then by all means post your question. There are many friendly and informed members here only too willing to help you.

We also have our own App - It is a very simple app to navigate.
Reading the IPad manual is a great place to start so please download a copy of these.
2 very informative threads from which you will learn many tips and shortcuts for the IPad.
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Once again we welcome you here and are so pleased you have joined us!
rugger said:
First computer saw a Vic20 with a massive 8k of memory. Would not have ever imagined the capabilities of the IPad. Having great fun. Excited to exchange ideas.

8k, I could only dream of 8k when I had my first computer! And yes, this would have been science fiction back in the day.

The Archangel
Gabriel1 said:
8k, I could only dream of 8k when I had my first computer! And yes, this would have been science fiction back in the day.

The Archangel

ZX81, Gab? Those were the days.

Sent from my iPad 4 HD mini
Well, at least there's at least two of us on here who know what the astronaut's bog roll is! ;)
Gabriel1 said:
Oh yeah, ZX80, ZX81, ZX Spectrum......I'm showing my age!

The Archangel

Snap Gabe! First computer was a ZX80 for my 10th birthday. Had to build it from kit of course!
Great memories. And a white computer quite a few years ahead of Apple and their white devices!
f4780y said:
Snap Gabe! First computer was a ZX80 for my 10th birthday. Had to build it from kit of course!
Great memories. And a white computer quite a few years ahead of Apple and their white devices!

Oh yeah, I had forgotten it was white.......endless hours programming to make the screen change colour or loading a programme by tape time after time after time, failing constantly! I learnt a lot from it though, helped me hack our first computers at work a few years later! I've forgotten more than I ever knew!

The Archangel
Remember how Sinclair used to announce stuff way ahead of time, take advance orders, then use the money to finance actually building the thing? Don't think anyone would get away with that now.

Sent from my iPad 4 HD mini
KevinJS said:
Remember how Sinclair used to announce stuff way ahead of time, take advance orders, then use the money to finance actually building the thing? Don't think anyone would get away with that now.

Sent from my iPad 4 HD mini

Isn't there start up websites which do the same thing, people make pledges or give actual $'s and if it gets to a certain level the product goes into production?

The Archangel
Yes. That kind of thing goes on, but Sinclair was a bit different. He claimed that goods were about to ship, when in fact production hadn't even started.

The pledge thing is different because you know ahead of time that you are helping to finance preproduction.

Sent from my iPad 4 HD mini

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