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New Member - Gadgetman


iPF Noob
Jun 3, 2010
Reaction score
Richmond, BC, Canada
Hi to all,

I received my iPad 32 gig WiFi on Tuesday June 1. I have a long history with small, portable devices dating back into the 1980's. I have owned everything from a portable Sharp 1500 (Circa 1980), HP Jornadas, HP LX, Fujitsu P series laptops, Fujitsu U series 5.6" tablets, iPod iPhones, iPod Touch, HP Mini Note (8.9" screen) and finally now, an iPad. I am a real believer in portable instant-on power. I use the sleep mode on all of my Laptops to ensure instant-on access. I hope to enjoy many long hours of use with my new iPad.

Welcome! If you're like a lot of us, you'll enjoy far too many hours with it. Mine is in my hands most of the day.
Welcome! Glad to have you join us!

Don't worry, if you catch the iPad bug, it will in fact be MANY hours.....
many hours indeed

I have already spent many hours already! :) Of course, I have always spent many hours with various gadgets, so, this is nothing new hehehe!

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