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Need help with setting wallpaper


iPF Noob
Apr 3, 2014
Reaction score
Florida, pompano beach
Hello, Ever since I updated my ipad3 with last update (7.1). I can't seem to get my wallpaper to sit correctly. I go to my
Photos, select the picture I want, then I choose the wallpaper button. It comes up but, it's really big. I can shrink by my
Fingers but when I let go it goes big again. So I don't know what to do. Even the wallpapers that says they are for ipad3 don't fit either. They go big also. What can I do.???.
Hi, Michelle! Welcome to iPF!

It's been this way since the update to iOS 7. Afaik there were a few improvements with 7.1.
Apps such as Wallax or iOS 7 Wallpaper Fix are available in App Store and will help you adjust your pictures to fit on the homescreen. A search for "Wallpaper Fix" will bring quite a few results, all you'll have to do is choose the one you prefer. :)
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Thank you

Hi, Michelle! Welcome to iPF!

It's been this way since the update to iOS 7. Afaik there were a few improvements with 7.1.
Apps such as Wallax or iOS 7 Wallpaper Fix are available in App Store and will help you adjust your pictures to fit on the homescreen. A search for "Wallpaper Fix" will bring quite a few results, all you'll have to do is choose the one you prefer. :)

Hello, first I want to say thank you for getting back to me. I will try what you suggested. My other question is to IPad Why do They always feel like they have to update. Just leave well enough alone. Lol! I know they try and keep us happy but maybe they should do more testing before they release a new app or product. Again, thank you very much for getting back with me. P.S. What does Afaik mean?
Hello, first I want to say thank you for getting back to me. I will try what you suggested. My other question is to IPad Why do They always feel like they have to update. Just leave well enough alone. Lol! I know they try and keep us happy but maybe they should do more testing before they release a new app or product. Again, thank you very much for getting back with me. P.S. What does Afaik mean?
Afaik - as far as I know. :)

The updates are meant to install new features and improvements, and to fix bugs, like Safari crashing before iOS 7.1 on some iPads, e.g. They always include security updates, to close a security gap. Actually, they are testing the software before release. I'm sure the apps are tested as well before they can be downloaded in the App Store.
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I just tried it wallax and it does help some. Thank you so much. Have a great night. Also thanks for the abbreviation. Lol! I'm still new. I try to learn something new everyday.and today I did
Glad to help.

If you want to learn something new, then this is the right forum. :)
I joined 17 months ago, and I'm still learning something new almost every day.
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In iOS 7.1 you can go to Settings > General > Accessibility and turn on Reduce Motion. This will turn off the parallax effect and your wallpaper adjustments and you will have more freedom to zoom and move the wallpaper; though still not quite as much as you did under iOS 6 (or so it seems to me).

This setting existed in iOS 7, but it only stopped the parallax motion. It did not allow you to zoom or move the picture any more than when parallax was turned on.

It should not be necessary to turn on Reduce Motion to get the further zoom available in iOS 71. I'm recommending you try it in case your iPad 3 is not working as well as it could with the wallpaper adjustments. My iPad 3 had a tendency to be very sluggish and finicky with the wallpaper settings.

This is how it is supposed to work, and does on my iPad Air, with the Reduce Motion setting off: A new button at the bottom right of the wallpaper adjustment screen says "Perspective Zoom: On/Off". If you zoom to far out or move the wallpaper too far to one edge it will say 'Off" and parallax will not be used. If you want parallax the tapping the button toggles the mode, and will reset the wallpaper's position to enable parallax if necessary.

A combination of this and the apps Johanna mentioned should let you use most of your older wallpapers without too much lost.

Good luck.


I've noticed that the wallpaper zoom setting don't always take when I hit the set button while in landscape view. If I rotate the iPad a couple times and tap the set button while in portrait it seems to work better.
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Apart from battery heat and terrible UI in some apps, this is the only problem I have for iOS 7. Why did apple even implement this to iOS 7?
Hi, yes I do this first but it wouldn't shrink down, it did when I had me fingers on it. Then when I would set it the picture was so much bigger. I did the Wallax and it is better. Thank you everyone fro your help. Have a great day
Hey guys it's me again, I have another question.....what is the best app for night time camera on a
Ipad3? Or a camera that takes good night pics. Maybe a flash? Thank you in advance have a great day
G'day Myshell71. Even though this was originally your own thread, in terms of the forum rules you have in effect "hijacked" this thread by introducing another topic within it, no longer dealing with setting wallpaper. That may lead to confusion for members replying to the original thread heading, or searching the forum etc. You are asked to in future open a new thread, within the appropriate sub-forum, in compliance of the rules, thanks.
I have moved your post to our relatively new "iPad for Photographers" forum where you should get a better response re your question.
Regards, Andrew

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