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Need an image (jpg) editor where I can create a new blank file and PASTE an image into it.

Bob R

iPF Noob
Jun 10, 2019
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Iā€™m kind of new to iPad. Iā€™m looking for an image app where I can, within the image app, create a blank file and paste an image from clipboard into it. All I see are apps that will load an image file but they cannot do what I stated above.
Just seems so odd to me that I canā€™t find an app that does this. Does anyone know of one? I really could use some help and this is primarily the reason why I joined this forum. I didnā€™t do a lot of research before I posted this so if this question has been asked before please forgive me.

Thanks in advance for any help the community may be able to offer.

I have to say that this device, my new iPad Pro 11, is remarkable in many ways and just as unremarkable in other ways. I am dumbfounded that I cannot find a program to do what I stated above. Thanks again.
I have an app called Image Size, which I use mainly to reduce large jpgs for sharing. But I discovered it can also create a blank canvas into which an image can be pasted from the clipboard, then rotated, resized, and altered via filters and the usual adjustments. Instead of opening an existing image, tap the palette icon and select a background color, then tap and hold to see the Paste option. It's not Photoshop, but it may do what you need.
Iā€™m kind of new to iPad. Iā€™m looking for an image app where I can, within the image app, create a blank file and paste an image from clipboard into it. All I see are apps that will load an image file but they cannot do what I stated above......................

Hi Bob - Lanny has already provided you an excellent option - however, I'm not sure whether all that you need to do is stated above or whether you also want to do image editing (e.g. crop, resize, color effects, etc)? I probably have at least a half dozen+ apps on my iPad related to manipulating images, some have just simple functions and others are more powerful - if you're in need of the latter, let me describe and illustrate just two:

Pixelmator iOS - fairly new release of an excellent macOS app that resides on my Mac laptops - the first 3 'screen captures' below (w/ my annotation) show the ease of selecting a blank image, then filling in the blank w/ an image from a variety of sources, such as the iPad's clipboard or the Photos Camera Roll - the image can be easily cropped and resized - of course, w/ practice there are many other more advanced features.

Keynote - Apple's equivalent to MS's Powerpoint - last 3 images similarly show how easily images can be brought into the app and then manipulated - you may already have this app on your iPad (it's a free DL from the app store) - Dave :)
Also, if you save your images to Photos (Save Image) instead of the clipboard (Copy/Cut); then any drawing app that has layers can import the image and display it on a background (another layer).

If you give more details on what you are creating then others may be able to offer workflow ideas from their own experiences. The best way to do something on the iPad doesnā€™t always follow the workflow that worked best on a PC.
Also, if you save your images to Photos (Save Image) instead of the clipboard (Copy/Cut); then any drawing app that has layers can import the image and display it on a background (another layer).

If you give more details on what you are creating then others may be able to offer workflow ideas from their own experiences. The best way to do something on the iPad doesnā€™t always follow the workflow that worked best on a PC.

First let me say THANKS for the kind, in-depth, very useful suggestions and advice. Wow.
I am used to PC work. There I use 2 programs. Photoshop (older version CS3) and a very popular free program called ifanview. I prep images for use in print jobs like menus and brochures etc. So I will size/crop, color correct and do some touching with stamp or bandaid. Often I will screen grab an image and paste it into one of the aforementioned programs I use. So screen cap and paste is part of my flow. I couldnā€™t find an app to get the pasting done. And I didnā€™t want to subscribe to something that didnā€™t get the job done.
I downloaded Image Size and that is very close to what I do with irfanview. Thanks for that! Now, is there a PShop alternative I can use in the iPad Pro environment? BTW I am so pleased that this forum is here. I may get some work done yet. Thank you so much.

With the caveats that Iā€™m not an artist, and have only limited experience with one of these apps; Pixelmator and Procreate are probably the two most advanced non-Adobe image editing apps on the iPad. If youā€™re used to using Adobe PhotoShop, then there are quite a few Adobe apps available for use; most of them can work in conjunction with Adobeā€™s Creative Cloud suite.

When capturing images, itā€™s easier to use the Photos app as a go-between than copy/paste. Often if you are on the web, a copy will copy a URL instead of the image. Another option is to use a drawer app like Gladys to collect images. Think of it as the next best thing to the clipboard managers you might have used on the PC.

If you are often importing and resizing images to specific sizes, you might find the Shortcuts app handy. You can create some useful automation there. You can even do some (very) basic image combining and masking. I have shortcut that I use to downsize screenshots before posting them here. Besides reducing the imagesā€™ size, it places the results in a specific album so I can easily find them (and delete them when done).

Thatā€™s about all I can contribute. Besides doodling, my most ambitious art projects involve taking map satellite images and creating simplified site/planning drawings. I mostly use AutoDeskā€™s SketchBook for the maps. What little layout I do (the occasional flyer) I do in Pages.

Hopefully one of our more professional members has some suggestions. If not, YouTube tutorial are often worth exploring.
Thereā€˜s also Affinity Photo (20% off at the moment) for the iPad.

This is not a free app, but has quite a few useful tools, as you see in my screenshot above.

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